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Basic Moves

Basic Moves
Basic moves do not count to your move list (?/25 total move slots used), so you can use them, if you have the requirements, without adding them to your move list. All Basic Moves can be mostly overpowered and evaded easily by Hyper, Supreme & Rapture Arts.

*** Melee attacks (physical attacks; punches, kicks, combos etc) can only be done against 1 opponent (unless stated otherwise in the moves description) at any 1 time. ***

Punch – 50,000 damage factor, requires 100,000pl to pull off.

Kick – 50,000 damage factor, requires 100,000pl to pull off.

Hammerfist – 75,000 damage factor, requires 200,000pl to pull off.

Cross-punch – 150,000 damage factor, requires 300,000pl to pull off.

Knee-Strike – 150,000 damage factor, requires 300,000pl to pull off.

Sucker Punch [attacking status] – 225,000 damage factor, stuns opponent for 1 turn, requires 500,000pl to pull off, can only be done 2x a battle.

KI Blast – A single blast is fired from the hand, 25,000 damage factor, requires 50,000pl and 25,000ki to pull off.

Super KI Blast – A much bigger ki blast is now fired but is still 1 blast though, 50,000 damage factor, requires 100,000pl and 50,000ki to pull off.

Chou KI Blast – A huge amount of KI energy is used in this single blast. 75,000 damage factor, requires 150,000pl and 75,000ki to pull off.

Twin KI Beam – Two streams of thin energy beams are fired from the eyes, 50,000 damage factor and scores x2 (50,000 x2 = 100,000 dmg factor) requires 200,000pl and 100,000ki to pull off.

Mega Twin KI Beam – Two streams of larger energy beams are now fired from the eyes this time, 100,000 damage factor and scores x2 (100,000 x2 = 200,000 dmg factor) requires 300,000pl and 200,000ki to pull off.

Renzoku Energy Dan – Multiple ki blasts are fired at the opponent from the hands, a total of 20 times. 500,000 damage factor, requires 1,000,000pl and 500,000ki to pull off, can only be done 3x a battle (cannot be evaded by basic moves Evasion or Evade and Counter)

Sudden Jolt – The user powers up his speed tremendously in this move, raising it by a total of 400,000 points! Requires 400,000pl and 200,000ki to pull off, can only be done x1 a battle (lasts for 5 turns).

Aurora – In this move, the user powers up and his/her aura starts to glow a much brighter colour. The power level is raised in this move by 400,000 points! Requires 300,000pl and 200,000ki to pull off, can only be done x1 a battle (lasts for 5 turns).

Juggernaught Guard – The user takes a defensive martial arts stance. Defense is greatly raised by 400,000 points! Requires 450,000pl and 150,000ki to pull off, can only be done x1 a battle (lasts for 5 turns).

Recover – The user, for a whole turn, just defends from moves, therefore recovering lost HP and KI by 25% its original state. The user cannot attack or do anything while he/she is resting, however they will receive 0 damage from all basic moves. Requires 100,000pl and 100,000ml to pull off, can only be done x3 a battle.

Blocking, Returning and Evading:
*** All [melee] attacks can be blocked and evaded, unless stated otherwise. All Energy based attacks in the basic move list can be blocked, returned and evaded, unless stated otherwise. ***

Basic Block – This move blocks against all [melee] and energy based attacks done to the user (unless stated in the moves description) and reduces damage by 25%. Requires 250,000pl, can only be done x3 a battle.

Mega Block – This move blocks against all [melee] and energy based attacks done to the user (unless stated in the moves description) and reduces damage by 50%. Requires 400,000pl, can only be done x2 a battle.

Combo Block – This move blocks against all [melee] attacks and combo attacks done to the user (unless stated in the moves description) and reduces damage by 25%. Requires 600,000pl and 100,000ki, can only be done x2 a battle.

Hyper Block – This move blocks against all [melee] attacks, energy based attacks and combo attacks done to the user (unless stated in the moves description) and reduces damage by 50%. Requires 900,000pl and 300,000ki, can only be done x2 a battle.

Energy Return – This move will return an attack to the user (as long as it is an energy based basic move, not race move or above). The user takes 0 damage from the attack, but the opponent also doesn’t receive any damage. Requires 100,000ki, can only be done 2x a battle.

Chibi Energy Return – This move will return an attack to the user (as long as it is an energy based basic move, not race move or above). The user takes 0 damage from the attack, but the opponent receives the damage of the attack. Requires 300,000 ki, can only be done 2x a battle.

Omni Energy Return – This move will return an attack to the user (as long as it is an energy based basic move, not race move or above). The user takes 0 damage from the attack, but the opponent gets the damage of the attack and doesn’t have any defenses (no DEF!) against the move. Requires 750,000 ki, can only be done 1x a battle.

Evasion – This move will dodge every basic move on the game (except for combo moves). Requires 50,000ki and it can only be used x5 a battle. After the 1st time it is used, the amount of energy required is increased by 50%, for example, 1st time = 50,000ki, 2nd time = 75,000ki, 3rd time = 100,000ki (etc).

Evade and Counter – A lot like Evasion in that it will dodge every basic move on the game, and still has the rule on the amount of energy used, however you can counter with any 2 basic moves (melee or energy based, not combo). Requires 400,000 pl and 100,000ki, it can only be used 3x a battle. After the 1st time it is used, the amount of energy required is increased by 50% its original value, for example, 1st time = 100,000ki, 2nd time = 150,000ki, 3rd time = 200,000ki.

*** Combo attacks cannot be returned! They can however be blocked and evaded (unless it states otherwise in moves description) ***

Basic Melee Combo [melee] – 2 melee attacks of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo), requires 350,000pl, can only be done 3x a battle.

Close Combat Combo [melee] – 3 melee attacks of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo), requires 450,000pl, can only be done 2x a battle.

Meteorite Combo [melee] – 4 melee attacks of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo), requires 600,000pl, can only be done 2x a battle.

Clash of Fists Combo [melee] – 8 melee attacks of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo + 200,000 damage factor) requires 800,000pl and 200,000ki to pull off (it uses KI energy because all the attacks drain the user), can only be done 1x a battle and cannot be blocked.

Super Energy Blast Combo [energy] – 5 ki based energy attacks of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo), requires 800,000pl and however much ki is used in attacks to pull off, can only be done 2x a battle.

Hyper Energy Blast Combo [energy] – 10 ki based energy attacks of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo), requires 1,200,000pl and however much ki is used in attacks to pull off, can only be done 2x a battle.

Fists of Fury [melee] – The strongest combo to date. It starts with the user powering up, and instead of just normally punching and kicking the crap out of the opponent, he puts an energy attack into each punch. The combo consists of 8 melee attacks of users choice, and 8 ki blasts of users choice (add damage of attacks to calculate damage factor of combo) requires 2,000,000pl and however much KI is used in 8 energy based attacks to pull off, can only be done 1x a battle and cannot be returned, only Instant T-port can evade this combo.

Warrior of Multitude Strength [melee/attacking status and hits 2 opponents] – This combo starts by the user creating an after-image effect in front of one opponent then re-appearing behind them, hitting them in the back and sending them hurling into the ground. Then, the user charges up to the other opponent, dealing him with punches, kicks and head butts. When he is finished he charges 2 powerful ki blast attacks (each with 500,000 damage factor each), and fires 1 at each opponent to finish them off. It also stuns both opponents!!! Requires 1,500,000pl and 800,000ki, can only be done 1x a battle and cannot be blocked, returned and only Instant Teleportation / Supreme & Rapture Arts and some Custom Made Moves can evade this attack.

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