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Southern Galaxy

Gravity Level: 10x
A graveyard of a planet, mostly covered in gigantic bones from a race of creatures of great sizes. The world is still growing and evoloving, making way for new life forms, as new previsouly un-recorded types of plant life are starting to grow here... fascinating.

Raedii (Ragnarok owns this planet)
Gravity Level: 60x
A great moon that orbits around the planet Xetos. It is dieing, the plate being reduced to dark grey dust and will soon crumble into nothingess. Ragnarok found the hidden item here.

Fiery Pit [demon empire]
Gravity Level: 40x
A small planet consumed by flames, only those of demon blood can survive in this humid atmoshpere. This is where demons are born, or should I say, brought into this world. A great evil can be sensed by just flying near this planet.

Flames of Hel - The demons here can train here and manipulate the flames into warrios they can spar with. Training with these flame bodied warriors will greatly increase the endurance and stamina of a demon, raising their HP, SPD & DEF by 2,500 each day for 14 days. This training can be done 1x only, you do not have to request to do this special training.

Gravity Level: 90x
A brilliantly bright planet indeed, the sun's rays bounce off the shining white trees and light blue rivers that intertwine across great mountain regions that span for miles and miles. The energy found here is so pure that the life forms here have the longest life span recorded, probably due to the abundance of food rich in nutrients and minerals. Anybody who is good and visits this planet will gain 7,500hp and 5,000ki per session, and they can use their items as well! This boost lasts for 30 days only however.

Gravity Level: 240x
This planet is extremely cold, it has sub-zero temperatures, which means not many types of warm blooded living organisms can survive here long.

Wennox [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 30x
This particular planet is home to a race of alien beings who are very tall and lanky, but have no vision whatsoever. They use the antennae on top of their head to 'sense' moving objects, and have a high sense of hearing but are rather hostile towards visitors that do not belong on this planet. Because of this they were able to locate an innocent explorer, who was instantly scared off due to theirappearance! It was said he left some valuable items there, but is now too scared to return.

Gravity Level: 110x
Only those with demon blood coursing through their veins can come to this planet. It is inhabited by dark, foul and wicked creatures that some say have been sent by the Otherworld... Probably why it was named after Hell. This planet is ruled by the Overlord of all Demons, Diablos the Fallen One and when you want to undergo any special training here you must request directly to him.

Hate & Deceit - This training can be done by any Demon that visits Hel. When undergoing this training you can gain a total of 5,000pl & 5,000spd per session ontop of training items. It lasts for 7 days and can be done only 1x a lifetime.

Sinister One - The darklord Diablos will have one of his greatest warriors train you for 7 days. Each day you will gain 25,000hp / 50,000pl / 100,000spd / 50,000def / 25,000ki & 25,000ml per day. No training items allowed and you need atleast 50wins for the first session. After you have completed this training you must rest for a additional 3 days, doing nothing at all. You need an additional 50 wins per session. The maximum number of sessions that can be done is 10.

Conquering of Sin - This unique training will unlock the true nature of a Demon, or DemonKing, creating an unstoppable force of evil energy and power. You will fight with the evil creatures on this planet, gaining 100,000 on all stats each day for 14 days. After the 14th day The Fallen One Diablos will personally train you... you must defeat him in a fight. If you can do this you will receive an extra 500,000 to any stat you wish, and then be able to use demonking transformation 'Sin'.

Gravity Level: 130x
A wasteland of a planet, there is no recordable evidence on this planet to prove that it was once inhabited by anything. Covered completely in sand.

Barr Prime (Dlove owns this planet)
Gravity Level: 40x
A newly discovered planet in the Southern Galaxy, it is said the particles in the atmosphere here greatly raise the mental capacities of a persons inner psyche! Bestowing them with great mental stamina! Anyone who travels to this planet and lands here will receive an immediate bonus if 350,000ml. Only good for 1x though.

Gravity Level: 260x
A planet that is approximately the same size of Earth, however everything is red. The land mass is red, the sky shines a dark orange hue, even the small mammals and creatures that inhabit this planet are red and almost completely camouflaged! Anyway, you can train here and learn the Planets End mega planet destroying move. Be warned, you can only EVER travel to this planet once every 3 months. So if you come here, make sure it's for a good reason.

Babadi's Secret Space Base
Gravity Level: 0x
Actually this is a planet, and not a space station as previsouly thought. The planet rotates the sun much quicker than an ordinary planet and is much smaller than any planet ever seen before, this is why it was thought to be a Space Base, rather than a planet. Because it rotates the sun quicker, there is hardly any sun light. It is ruled by Babadi and his minions, and when you visit this dark, dank place and request it, you can unleash the evil and wrath in your heart to its full extent by completing the Majin Training. You will become terribly wicked, and no foe, good or evil, will be able to stop you!

Ro'Wrath [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 400x
A planet that can be found at the very edge of the southern galaxy. It can be visisted only by those of demon blood. It is said fearsome guardians protect a terrible power here.

Gravity Level: 90x
Just a regular planet similar to Earth with nothing out of the ordinary. It has many oceans inhabited by marine life, and vast forests and landscapes with various wildlife that roam the planet.

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