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The Namekians are a peaceful race, not to dissimilar to the Humans in morals and intellect. But they too are a powerful race, with the wisdom, determination and ability to defeat any foe ...


Type: Energy
Description: A green kinetic energy ball is fired from one hand, quick and efficient but does not contain considerable power.

Damage Factor: 100,000
Requirements: 150,000pl and 50,000ki.

Type: Melee
Description: The user extends their arms to almost triple their size, stretching the muscles so that they can grab an opponent from afar and then, like elastic, pulls the opponent back to the user where a knee-strike to the torso is waiting for them... ouch.

Damage Factor: 300,000
Requirements: 450,000pl and 100,000ki.

Type: Energy
Description: A powerful energy beam that is fired from the user's mouth, it is dark purple in colour and explodes on impact.

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 750,000pl and 200,000ki and 100,000ml.

Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: A Namek warrior has a unique genetic make-up that allows their cells to repair and regenerate at a much faster rate than that of other races, allowing them to heal wounds and even replace lost limbs (if used quick enough) almost instantly.

Status Factor: Restores HP to maximum transformed state, just 1x per battle.

Requirements: 1,200,000pl and 600,000ki and 1/4 current ML. (Can only ever be used 1x a battle)

Eye Beam
Type: Energy
Description: Very similar to the Chill race move Eye Laser, the user fires two purple energy beams, one from each eye, directly towards an opponent that contain lots of power.

Damage Factor: 700,000
Requirements: 900,000pl and 600,000ki.

Bakuretsu Mahoko
Type: Energy
Description: A move in which the user concentrates their mental energy into a physical force and fires it directly towards a single opponent.

Damage Factor: 1,200,000
Requirements: 1,100,000pl and 800,000ml. (Can be used just 3x a battle)

Split Form
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: The user can split himself in two using this ancient Namekian technique, normally for sparring and training purposes, however when used in battle this move is deadly! The downside is that this 'clone' is only temporary, and reduces the user's stats when used.

Status Factor: User splits in two, however his/her stats are cut exactly in half, and the user and the clone has 50% of the user's current stats. This move lasts for 5 turns only, and the newly created warrior merges back into the user and stats are restored.

Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 750,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only)

Darkness Eye Beam [evil only]
Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: A different version than the regular Eye Beam attack of the Nameks, this time the energy beams are fired from left to right, cutting straight across the battlefield hitting all opponents.

Damage Factor: 1,500,000
Requirements: 1,200,000pl and 800,000ki. (Can be used just 3x a battle)

Type: Energy [self status]
Description: The user raises his/her stats exponentially, increasing the energy flowing through their body which means that any attacks that are used by the Namek warrior in the next 3 turns are made a great deal stronger.

Status Factor: Damage from any Namek race moves used for the next 3 turns is doubled, this does not apply to attacks with [death damage] in them.

Requirements: 1,600,000pl and 1,000,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle)

Special Beam Cannon [good only]
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: The user stands in a martial arts stance, with their legs firmly apart, and then raise their hand to their head, with their index and middle finger extended an inch away from their forehead. The user then focuses a deadly amount of energy into their fingers and then release the energy beam that spirals towards a selected opponent.

Status Factor: Will kill an opponent if the user is strong enough.

Damage Factor: 3,000,000 (if it is unsuccessful in killing opponent)
Requirements: 2,400,000pl and ALL current KI. (Can be used 1x a battle only)

Soumasen [evil only]
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: In this move the user creates a spear created from energy, extremely sharp, that he/she sends at a tremendous speed straight towards a single opponent. It pierces the skin and goes straight through the enemy, causing death if they're weak.

Status Factor: Will kill an opponent if the user is strong enough, cannot be blocked by Armours (except for Ascended Armours).

Damage Factor: 2,500,000
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 1,200,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle)

Light Grenade [good only]
Type: Energy
Description: The user starts to raise their energy levels, and places their palms facing flat together infront of the body. Then they start to collect a tremendous amount of energy and a small ball is created, about the size of a pea at first. As the energy that flows through the user is focused into the kinetic ball it grows bigger an bigger until the user sends it rapidly towards their opponent.

Damage Factor: 5,000,000
Requirements: 2,800,000pl and 4,000,000ki. (Can be used just 2x a battle)

Chou Makouhou
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: A stronger version of the Makouhou technique, this time multiple beams are fired from the user's mouth that are so strong they have the power to attack a foe's nervous system, with dire consequences.

Status Factor: Knocks an opponent out of their current Transformation on impact.

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 1,750,000pl and 800,000ki and 500,000ml. (Can be used just 2x a battle)

Hellzone Grenade
Type: Energy [special attacking status/wide area]
Description: The user fires thousands of potentially powerful kinetic blasts towards their foe(s), however none of them make any contact. All the opponents look at the user amazed at the fact that not a single one of these blasts actually landed a hit, but then they look around to see that they are entirely surrounded by the ki balls floating in the air. Then, with one quick move of the hand, the ki balls are all fired towards the opponent(s) that are totally unavoidable!

Status Factor: Cannot be evaded by Instant Teleportation.

Damage Factor: 5,000,000
Requirements: 4,500,000pl and 2,000,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle)


Gigantic Namekian
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: Not really classed as a transformation, but it cannot be used with other Namek Transformations however. The user grows to a gigantic size, and with this strength also grows.

Stat Increase: 800,000hp / 600,000pl / 600,000def
Requirements: 300,000pl / 300,000ml

Super Namek
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: No physical change this time, but power is increased.

Stat Increase: 1,500,000hp / 1,000,000pl / 800,000spd / 600,000ki / 800,000def / 600,000ml
Requirements: 1,200,000pl / 600,000ki / 600,000ml

Super Namek 2
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: Much stronger than the first Super Namek transformation, and no change is made to physical appearance.

Stat Increase: 2,000,000hp / 1,800,000pl / 1,600,000spd / 1,200,000ki / 1,500,000def / 1,000,000ml
Requirements: 2,200,000pl / 1,200,000ki / 1,000,000ml

Super Namek 3
Turns Lasted: 15 turns
Description: Stronger than the first Super Namek transformations, and there is a slight change to physical appearance. The user gets slightly taller, muscles grow bigger and their aura changes to a dark green.

Stat Increase: 6,000,000hp / 5,000,000pl / 4,500,000spd / 2,000,000ki / 4,000,000def / 2,000,000ml
Requirements: 4,500,000pl / 2,000,000ki / 2,000,000ml

Elder Namek
Turns Lasted: 15 turns
Description: This transformation is only obtained if you train with The Elder Namek on New Namek 3 times (only if you are good).

Stat Increase: 15,000,000hp / 11,000,000pl / 8,000,000spd / 7,000,000ki / 10,000,000def / 8,000,000ml
Requirements: 9,000,000pl / 5,500,000ki / 6,000,000ml (and you must have trained with Elder Namek on New Namek 3/3 times)

Chaos Namek
Turns Lasted: 10 turns
Description: A transformation that has only ever been seen once, and that was supposedly in the last God War. The user's green aura and eyes turn to purple, and their skin shines a much darker shade of green.

Stat Increase: 18,000,000hp / 15,000,000pl / 10,000,000spd / 9,000,000ki / 10,000,000def / 9,000,000ml
Requirements: 12,000,000pl / 6,000,000ki / 7,500,000ml (must have completed 10 quests)

Supreme Namek
Turns Lasted: 10 turns
Description: Appearance is unknown.

Stat Increase: 25,000,000hp / 25,000,000pl / 20,000,000spd / 15,000,000ki / 22,000,000def / 17,000,000ml
Requirements: 18,000,000pl / 10,000,000ki / 10,000,000ml (must have completed 20 quests)

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