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Konatsajins are a technological race, with high intellect and skill. They are also born with the ability to yield a weapon suprisingly well. All Konatsajin are given an Ocarina at birth to symbolize peace, unity and love. However, some Konatsajin have been know to turn evil, and use their skills to punish and destroy...


Rapid Blast
Type: Energy
Description: A simple, but quickly fired energy blast that explodes upon impact. The advantage however that either KI or ML energy can be used.

Damage Factor: 100,000
Requirements: 100,000pl and 50,000ki (or) 50,000ml.

Blade Rush
Type: Melee
Description: An attack that can be used with a weapon only, the user races towards a single opponent with great speed and slices at their foe with weapon in hand.

Damage Factor: 200,000
Requirements: 150,000pl and 50,000ki.

Dei-Jyn Beam
Type: Energy
Description: An energy based attack that is powered by using the mental energies of a Konatsa-jin warrior, very potent if successful.

Damage Factor: 400,000
Requirements: 700,000pl and 350,000ml.

Banshee Blast
Type: Energy [death damage]
Description: This attack looks like a hollow ball of energy that is fired at an opponent, but the energy is actually translucent but has silver aura, so it can only be seen slightly. Due to this it cannot be blocked/returned or evaded by basic moves or hyper arts (including Instant Teleportation).

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 450,000pl and 400,000ki. (Can be used 8x a battle)

Spirit Cannon
Type: Energy
Description: An energy blast designed to hit an opponent's spirital form, rather than their physical form, and hit hard! It starts with the user creating a ball of energy infront of their body, which then explodes and a brilliant white light surrounds the field. This light is intended to draw out the 'inner spirit' of their opponent, then the user charges up an energy cannon, aqua blue in colour, and releases the powerful energy directly towards the enemy with tremendous power.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000
Requirements: 800,000pl and 1,000,000ml. (Can be used 5x a battle)

Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: An energy beam fired that will lower a single opponent's PL and SPD by 1/4 original amount on impact, it cannot be evaded by Instant Teleportation.

Status Factor: Reduces a single opponent's PL and SPD by 1/4 original amount, lasts all battle.
Requirements: 1,000,000pl and 300,000ml. (Can be used 4x a battle)

Dragon Toamage
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: An ancient technique that harnesses the energy that flows through an Kontasa-jin's body in such a way as to double the user's current DEF stat.

Status Factor: Current DEF is doubled for 5 turns.
Requirements: 1,200,000pl and 200,000ki and 500,000ml. (Can be used 3x a battle only)

Q'Jynr Strike
Type: Melee
Description: A power melee attack in which the user draw's out their inner strength to send an opponent crashing towards the ground with one powerful strike.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000
Requirements: 750,000pl and 300,000ki.

War Mage
Type: Energy [self-status]
Description: In this move the user is able to raise their strength and energy to tremendous levels, increasing their powerlevel to never before seen heights. With this technique active, each move they use strikes twice in a row, meaning double the damage!

Status Factor: For 3 turns, all attacks done score twice. This does not count to how many times a technique can be used in a battle however, it just means the damage is doubled.
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 1,000,000ml. (Can only be only 2x a battle)

Shura Lukhi Wave
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: The user moves at such a high rate of speed that they cannot be seen by their opponent until it's too late, and they fire an incredibly powerful energy wave that has been charging while they have been racing towards their foe. This attack is strengthened by the high speeds the user is travelling at!

Status Factor: Cannot be avoided unless the opponent's SPD is double the users, and 1/4 user's current SPD is added to the damage of this move.

Damage Factor: 1,500,000
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 1,200,000ki. (Can be used 4x a battle only)

Psycho Thread
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: An expertly designed attack in which the user creates threads of energy that they weave around their opponent and trap them in with an unbreakable bind. This lasts for 3 turns, and they receive damage on each turn due to the high voltage of energy used.

Status Factor: On each turn their opponent receives damage, and cannot use any attacks for the 3 turns this move is active. They can transform, or use self status moves however (etc).

Damage Factor: 500,000 (each turn, including the turn it is used on)
Requirements: 1,800,000pl and 600,000ki and 800,000ml. (Can be used 3x a battle only)

Mega Spirit Cannon
Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: A stronger version of the original Spirit Cannon technique, this time around though the energy ball created to draw out the spirit of an opponent is created with much more power, therefore able to hit all opponents currently o the battle field. Also, more energy is used in the energy cannon and it is atleast 10x bigger than the original, creating huge amounts of damage.

Damage Factor: 6,000,000
Requirements: 2,350,000pl and 3,000,000ml. (Can be used 3x a battle)

Renegade Fury
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: A move that will allow the user the power up their moves dependant on the amount of ML they decide to use. This technique lasts for 5 turns, and the user can decide whether to increase the damage value of their selected attacks, or not.

Status Factor: Damage is increased on all moves by how much Ml they can muster. Example, 1,000,000ml is used and the damage is increased by 1,000,000. Cannnot be used on [special attacking status] or [death damage] type attacks, and it lasts for 5 turns.
Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 1,500,000ki and 500,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only)

Type: Energy
Description: A huge amount of energy is concentrated into a single ball, pumped that much that it will annihilate an opponent on just impact, let alone when the energy implodes and wipes out an entire area! This move is not as strong as an [obliterator] but causes great damage.

Damage Factor: 10,000,000
Requirements: 5,500,000pl and 2,000,000ki and 4,000,000ml. (Can only be used 3x a battle)

Bou Ruh'tzar
Type: Energy [instant kill/attacking status]
Description: Using their latent mental powers, the Konatsa-jin are able to glimpse into the near future, unmasking the very facades of time and space, and with this awareness they can unleash a shocking blast of energy into their opponent that strikes fear into their heart. The advantage of this technique is that it can be used with any energy source!

Status Factor: This technique will kill the opponent if they are evil, and if they are good will reduce an opponent's HP to 1/2 original amount, then inflict damage as well!

Damage Factor: 5,000,000
Requirements: 7,000,000pl and 4,000,000ki (or) 4,000,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only)


Description: The user's skin and hair turns to an aqua/blue shade if they are good, or to a dark red if they are evil.
Turns Lasted: All of battle

Stat Increase: 900,000hp / 600,000pl / 500,000spd / 350,000ki / 400,000def / 400,000ml
Requirements: 700,000pl / 350,000ki / 350,000ml

Super Mage
Description: The same as the Mage transformation, however the user's eyes blank out to white and their power is much higher!
Turns Lasted: All of battle

Stat Increase: 1,800,000hp / 1,000,000pl / 1,100,000 spd / 600,000ki / 800,000def / 800,000ml
Requirements: 1,400,000pl / 600,000ki / 500,000ml

Ultra Mage
Description: The user is in the same appearance as the Super Mage, but their muscle mass increases rapidly and energy levels are off the scale.
Turns Lasted: 25 turns

Stat Increase: 3,000,000hp / 3,000,000pl / 2,000,000spd / 1,200,000ki / 1,800,000def / 1,600,000ml
Requirements: 2,700,000pl / 1,000,000ki / 1,200,000ml

Spirit Mage
Description: In this form the user harnesses the kinetic and mental energies of their body, and transforms into a 'spirit form'. In this form their bodily outline appears as a silver ghost like figure, however, that does not mean they can't hit hard! Power is increased by a lot in this transformation!
Turns Lasted: 20 turns

Stat Increase: 8,000,000hp / 5,200,000pl / 4,000,000spd / 2,500,000ki / 3,500,000def / 3,000,000ml
Requirements: 6,500,000pl / 2,000,000ki / 2,400,000ml

Elder Mage
Description: In this transformation they regain their normal appearance, however, they are bewstowed with the knowledge and power of the Elder Konats-ajin warriors and can strike down any foe with their power and skill.
Turns Lasted: 15 turns

Stat Increase: 20,000,000hp / 12,000,000pl / 10,000,000spd / 7,500,000ki / 12,000,000def / 9,000,000ml
Requirements: 11,000,000pl / 5,000,000ki / 5,500,000ml

Zero Mage
Description: The user's power, skill and energy is raised to HUGE levels. This transformation is rare indeed ... only a few have been able to reach this level before. The user's aura now shines silver, their energy levels are all concentrated too boost power, speed and defence! The transformation causes the user's eyes to blank out, similar to the Ultra Mage transformation, and their hair to change to a radiant white!
Turns Lasted: 10 turns

Stat Increase: 40,000,000hp / 30,000,000pl / 20,000,000spd / 25,000,000ki / 28,000,000def / 35,000,000ml
Requirements: 24,000,000pl / 15,000,000ki / 15,000,000ml

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