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Humans are a peaceful and intelligent race of beings, however they can hold their own in a fight and there have been many great human warrior champions in the past! Although they are not born with the will to fight, they have a lot of resilience and can stand their ground well.


KI Blast Cannon
Type: Energy
Description: Just a regular ki blast attack with a little bit more power and accuracy.

Damage Factor: 150,000
Requirements: 200,000pl and 100,000ki.

Solar Flare
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: The user puts his/her hands in front of their face, shouts "Solar Flare," and a bright light surrounds the user, so much that it blinds his/her opponent.

Status Factor: This move will stun the opponent for 1 turn.

Requirements: 200,000pl and 100,000ki and 100,000ml.

Wolf Fang Fist
Type: Melee
Description: A very powerful physical combo attack. It starts by the user powering up and charging into the opponent, dealing them with a flurry of punches and kicks and then to finish it a powerful knee-strike to the gut.

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 400,000pl and 300,000ki.

Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy
Description: The Kame Hame Ha wave is a huge blast, which is charged up, and held behind the user in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.

Damage Factor: 250,000
Requirements: 400,000pl and 200,000ki.

Chou Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy
Description: A much stronger version of the regular kame hame ha wave, and also drains more energy.

Damage Factor: 600,000
Requirements: 800,000pl and 600,000ki.

Type: Energy
Description: This is a move mostly used by all the strong humans. It is a powerful beam of kinetic energy that is projected towards the opponent.

Damage Factor: 300,000
Requirements: 400,000pl and 200,000ki and 100,000ml.

Chou Dodompa
Type: Energy
Description: A much stronger version of the original dodompa technique.

Damage Factor: 600,000
Requirements: 800,000pl and 400,000ki and 200,000ml.

Mega Dodompa
Type: Energy [death damage]
Description: The strongest dodompa beam created, only a few can master this technique (must request to Master Roshi to train with him in order to learn this technique).

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 1,400,000pl and 750,000ki and 450,000ml.

Destructo Disc
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: This is a flat, disc-shaped energy blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. If pulled off correctly, it can kill an opponent. It cannot be evaded by instant teleportation.

Status Factor: It will kill an opponent if it successfully goes through.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000 (if it doesn’t kill opponent)
Requirements: 1,200,000pl and 800,000ki. (Can only be done 2x a battle)

Fierce Destructo Disc
Type: Energy
Description: Like the destructo disc, however not as sharp, but loads of them are sent flying towards the opponent causing a hell of a lot of damage.

Damage Factor: 3,500,000
Requirements: 2,400,000pl and 1,850,000ki and 1,000,000ml.

Spirit Ball Attack
Type: Energy
Description: The user creates an energy ball that he fires at the opponent, but purposefully misses them. He then raises his arm, with his index and middle finger together, and looks as if he is doing commands with his hands. The energy ball that was fired now mimics the commands of the hands and repeatedly hits the opponent, a total of 10 times! (Can only be done 2x a battle).

Damage Factor: 1,500,000
Requirements: 1,000,000pl and 800,000ki and 500,000ml.

12 Eyes
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: In this technique the user splits him/herself into as many as 5 different entities. Each entity, or copy created can fight and be attacked (moves chosen by user, but they cannot transform).

Status Factor: The user can choose how many entities of himself to create (up to 5). Each clone created only has ¼ of the user’s stats (at time of creation), and each one lasts for 3 turns only.

Requirements: 800,000pl and 100,000ki and 250,000ml. (per clone created - Can only be done 2x a battle)

Type: Energy [attacking status/death damage]
Description: The user places his/her hands to form a triangular shape, and then concentrates enough energy to power it up. The user then rains down on the opponent with blasts of incredible power. The major downside to it though, is that because of its sheer strength, it drains the life force of the user, with the possibility of killing him/her. This move will leave the user vulnerable for 1 turn, allowing any opponents to attack … if they survive.

Status Factor: User will be unable to attack for 1 turn after this move has been used.

Damage Factor: 9,000,000
Requirements: 6,000,000pl and 7,000,000ki. (Can only be done 2x a battle)

Neo KI Blast Cannon
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl1]
Description: A very strong KI Cannon attack, which starts with the user running towards an opponent, but then creates an after-image in front of them and re-appears 20 foot above them in the sky. While the opponent is confused as to where you are, you then start to charge an immensely powerful kinetic energy cannon in front of yourself with arms outstretched. Just as the opponent clicks on to your position he/she turns round, only to see a 50 ft wide shining blue energy cannon, with lightening bolts ripping off the sides about 2 inches in front of their face.

Damage Factor: 15,000,000
Requirements: 8,500,000pl and drains ½ current ki and 2,000,000ml. (Can only be done 2x a battle)


Unlocked Potential
Description: No physical change as it is not really a transformation, however stats are greatly increased.
Turns Lasted: All of battle

Stat Increase: 900,000hp / 400,000pl / 400,000spd / 350,000ki / 300,000def / 350,000ml
Requirements: 400,000pl / 350,000ki / 350,000ml

Super Human
Description: No physical change, but the aura of the human is now a brighter light blue and white. Much stronger than the Unlocked Potential transformation.
Turns Lasted: All of battle

Stat Increase: 3,500,000hp / 1,200,000pl / 800,000spd / 700,000ki / 1,000,000def / 600,000ml
Requirements: 1,500,000pl / 700,000ki / 600,000ml

Super Human 2
Description: This is a state unknown to regular humans, power, speed and energy levels are increased to huge levels, and the human muscles become slightly bigger.
Turns Lasted: 15 turns

Stat Increase: 8,000,000hp / 2,000,000pl / 1,800,000spd / 1,300,000ki / 2,200,000def / 800,000ml
Requirements: 2,500,000pl / 1,300,000ki / 800,000ml

Potent Human
Description: The user gets a huge stat boost in this transformation. The muscles of the human become enlarged, but speed is increased also. The aura is so bright it blinds all those who see it.
Turns Lasted: 15 turn

Stat Increase: 15,000,000hp / 4,000,000pl / 3,800,000spd / 2,500,000ki / 4,200,000def / 2,000,000ml
Requirements: 5,000,000pl / 2,500,000ki / 2,000,000ml (must train with Kami in his lookout 3/3 times)

Omnipotent Human
Description: Appearance is unknown.
Turns Lasted: 10 turns

Stat Increase: 35,000,000hp / 10,000,000pl / 8,800,000spd / 6,500,000ki / 15,000,000def / 5,000,000ml
Requirements: 11,000,000pl / 6,500,000ki / 5,000,000ml (must have Potent Human transformation)

Legendary Human
Description: Appearance is unknown, as no human has ever achieved this level of power before.
Turns Lasted: 10 turns

Stat Increase: 75,000,000hp / 25,000,000pl / 20,000,000spd / 18,000,000ki / 20,000,000def / 18,000,000ml
Requirements: 16,000,000pl / 12,000,000ki / 12,000,000ml (must have completed 10 quests and obtained Omnipotent Human transformation)

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