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Demi-Gods are beings who have ascended to a level higher than that of mortals. Once a mortal reaches this state however, they remain in their old appearance, size and stature. It is said that when they fight their eyes blank out to white, and they can manipulate the powers of the gods, englufing the being in power and wisdom.


Ark Blast
Type: Energy [death damage]
Description: An energy blast fired from the index finger that can pierce any armour (except Ascended) and causes immense damage to an opponent.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000 (death damage)
Requirements: 750,000pl and 250,000ki and 250,000ml.

Elite Cannon
Type: Energy
Description: A cannon type energy attack that is charged and fired with one hand, similar to a KI Blast but much stronger, and can be pulled of using either KI or ML!

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 1,500,000pl and 800,000ki or 800,000ml. (user can decide, can be done 3x a battle only)

Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: A powerful combo that starts off with the user rushing behind their opponent and dealing a deadly blow to the back of their foe's neck. This sends the opponent crashing towards the ground but the user teleports before they hit (this counts as using Instant Teleportation 1x) and creates a huge ball of energy that is fired at their foe. On impact the immense ball of energy explodes, and the user gets 1 more turn in which to attack.

Status Factor: Stuns a single opponent for 1 turn.

Damage Factor: 3,000,000
Requirements: 2,750,000pl and 1,500,000ki. (plus amount of KI used for Instant Teleportation 1x - Exodus can be used 2x a battle only)

Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: The user flies high into the atmosphere above his/her opponents and focuses all their energy into a single blast that is so immense it will hit every single opponnent and cause huge levels of hurt.

Damage Factor: Current PL = damage
Requirements: 5,000,000pl and 1/2 current amount of KI.

The Warlock
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: A technique used to give the user great speed in battle, allowing them to counter against any attack that is used against them. The user counters with any energy or melee type attack (with no status in it) after an opponent attacks them in the 3 turns that this move is active, must counter every turn.

Status Factor: Allows the user to counter against ANY attack done towards them with a regular energy or melee move, as long as the attack they are countering does not contain any status and isn't an [obliterator] or [instant kill] type move, lasts for 3 turns.

Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 1,000,000ki. (Can be used 3x a battle only)

Chaos of the Storm
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: A powerful technique that starts of with the user raising his power level to never seen before heights! In doing this their current PL will be instantly doubled. They then begin to charge their kinetic energy which causes vortexes to appear around the user, the sky begins to roar with thunder and lightning bolts rage down, each one more frequent than the last... The storm closes in on a single opponent and they are struck with lightning! Temporarily stunning them for 2 turns!

Status Factor: Doubles user's current PL and stuns a single opponent for 2 turns.

Damage Factor: 8,000,000
Requirements: 7,500,000pl and 5,000,000ki and 3,750,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only)


Turns Lasted: All of Battle
Descrption: The user raises their energies to a state of power never seen before... their entire body covered in flames caused from the blistering heat and pure energy they have created, and harnessed.

Stat Increase: 8,000,000hp / 6,500,000pl / 5,500,000spd / 4,000,000ki / 5,000,000def / 3,000,000ml
Requirements: 3,500,000pl / 2,000,000ki / 1,500,000ml (must have completed 5 quests)

Divine Deity
Turns Lasted: 20 turns
Descrption: The heavens open, and a brilliantly white light envelopes the user completely for a few seconds... a great bang is heard as the light flickers and then everything is calm. The Demi-God can be seen in all their glory, radiating a brilliant energy, with their eyes blanked out to white.

Stat Increase: 20,000,000hp / 15,000,000pl / 18,000,000spd / 10,000,000ki / 14,000,000def / 9,000,000ml
Requirements: 8,500,000pl / 5,000,000ki / 4,500,000ml (must have completed 10 quests)

The Absoulte
Turns Lasted: 15 turns
Descrption: The closest a Demi-God will get to tasting the complete power of a God. This is the strongest known Demi-God transformation, however it has never been seen before so it's appearance is unknown.

Stat Increase: 38,000,000hp / 30,000,000pl / 25,000,000spd / 24,000,000ki / 22,000,000def / 18,000,000ml
Requirements: 17,000,000pl / 12,000,000ki / 9,000,000ml (must have completed 15 quests)

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