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Demons are beings of evil. Spawned from the depths of hell, they will cause pain and destruction wherether they go. Although not too much is known about their amibitions, they are reckless and have no morals whatsoever. One thing that is known however, is that demons have the potential to yield un-imaginable power ...


Kuukanteni Punch
Type: Melee [attacking status]
Description: One of a demons unique attacks. With this move he/she creates a hole in time and space that has an entrance and an exit. The user then punches into this hole and his/her fist comes out of the exit, allowing to attack enemies from afar.

Status Factor: Cannot be evaded/blocked by Basic Moves.

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 200,000pl and 300,000ki and 50,000ml.

Cube Fade
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: A technique not to dissimilar to Instant Teleportation, with this move a demon can instantly go anywhere by turning his/her own body into many cubes, changing into a state of dimension, rather than time.

Status Factor: This move allows the user to evade any attack, energy or melee (as long as it has no [attacking status] or [special attacking status] in it and isnt a [wide ranged] attack) by fading into cubes and moving into dimensions, it can only be done 3x a battle.

Requirements: 900,000pl and 200,000ki and 100,000ml. (Can be done 2x a battle)

Type: Energy
Description: A potent energy based blast that is directed towards a single opponent. It is fired by the user charging energy above their head, and then releasing it into the atmosphere for it to come crashing down towards their foe with great power and speed!

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 1,300,000pl and 600,000ki.

Illusion Smash
Type: Melee
Description: The user fires a blast of energy at the opponent that is used more to distract their foe. Their opponent easily evades this blast of energy, but before they know it the user has split him/herself into 3 seperate entities and surrounds their opponent completely. The three entities fly above into the sky, rapidly gaining speed, and then merge into one powerful energy force that comes crashing down on the opponent with tremendous force.

Damage Factor: 1,500,000
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 800,000ki. (Can be done 3x a battle)

Stone Spit
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: A move that can petirfy a single opponent and turn their entire body to stone! This technique is extremely potent, however the status lasts for 2 turns only.

Status Factor: Turns a single opponent into stone, rendering them unable to attack for 2 turns.

Requirements: 1,100,000pl and 200,000ki and 200,000ml. (Can be done 2x a battle only, never twice on the same opponent)

Dimension Shift
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: This technique gives the user the ability to shift between dimensions, and when doing so they can bring anyone in battle with them! In doing this they can go to a place only demons can visit normally, unless you are taken there when this move is used, and the strange fluctuation in energy here causes positive effects for the user and their allies in battle.

Status Factor: The user and all his/her allies do not waste any KI when moves are used, it is temporarily infinte. Lasts for 3 turns.

Requirements: 750,000pl and 300,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only)

Lightening Rain Attack
Type: Energy [death damage]
Description: The user crosses his/her arms infront of their torso to form an X and then charges small bolts of energy at the end of their finger tips. They then unleash the energy bolts at their opponent with incredible accuracy and speed.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000 (death damage)
Requirements: 2,500,000pl and 500,000ki. (Can be done 5x a battle)

Flame Mouth Blast
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: Incredibly hot energy that is fired from the mouth of a demon, it is as hot as lava and when it touches the opponent it causes painful burns to their skin. The blazing heat can melt any armour (except Ascended Armours).

Status Factor: Reduces opponent's current HP by 1/4 if successful, and any Armour taken into battle cannot be used for the entire match. It does not destroy the armour however (is not effective against Ascended Armours).

Requirements: 800,000pl and 400,000ki and 400,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle only)

Ikoukan Portal
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: This technique is really powerful, a defensive move that is used to absorb any KI based attack (must not contain Mental Energy) into a small portal that he/she creates which is sent to a dimensional void.

Status Factor: The portal created will absorb any kinetic energy based move (as long as it doesn't contain mental energy) and the user will receive 0 damage. It can be used against ALL type of attacks, incluing [attacking status], [special attacking status], [obliterator], [death damage], [instant kill] (etc), unless the move used states otherwise.

Requirements: 5,000,000pl and 3,000,000ml. (Can be used 3x a battle only)

Dark Shade
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: A stronger version of the Demon's Shade technique, however this time the energy used is so evil it can destroy an opponent if their heart is good, corrupting them with images of torment and wickedness until they can take it no more!

Status Factor: Will kill an opponent if the move is successful and they are good.

Damage Factor: 5,000,000
Requirements: 4,000,000pl and 2,600,000ki. (Can be done 2x a battle only - works against good souls only)

Kaiu Mezu
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: This move can only be done after someone has launched an attack against you. In this move the user creates a miniature clone of an opponent, that mimics their exact current stats and move at time of creation. The cloned miniature will fire back the exact move the opponent fired towards the user!

Status Factor: The demon creates a miniature clone of the opponent that will fire back any move that is done towards the demon, with exact stats and power at time of creation, thus cancelling out the moves.

Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 1,500,000ml. (Can be done 2x a battle only)

Star Destroyer
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl2]
Description: This terrible attack starts with the user charging two powerful balls of evil energy, black in colour with dark crimson flames. They then fire one high above an opponent, and then with all the strength they can muster they then fire the other at the energy ball above their foe! The explosion caused grows to the size of a small moon, it gives off immense heat and energy that completely surrounds the planet, causing even more damage.

Damage Factor: 12,000,000
Requirements: 6,500,000pl and 7,000,000ki and 2,000,0000ml. (Can be done 1x a battle only)


Turns Lasted: All of Battle
Description: The Demon becomes enraged and becomes engulfed in flames. This transformation increases their power greatly.

Stat Increase: 2,000,000hp / 1,500,000pl / 1,200,000spd / 550,000ki / 800,000def / 400,000ml
Requirements: 1,200,000pl / 550,000ki / 400,000ml

Turns Lasted: 25 turns
Description: This transformation increases muscle mass by 10x original and the demon grows to 15ft tall!

Stat Increase: 3,500,000hp / 2,500,000pl / 1,000,000spd / 1,200,000ki / 2,000,000def / 1,000,000ml
Requirements: 2,900,000pl / 1,200,000ki / 1,000,000ml

The Corrupter
Turns Lasted: 15 turns
Description: When a demon reaches a certain state in their power and ability they can master this truly terrible transformation.

Stat Increase: 5,500,000hp / 4,500,000pl / 6,000,000spd / 3,500,000ki / 4,000,000def / 2,500,000ml
Requirements: 4,500,000pl / 2,800,000ki / 2,000,000ml (must have trained on Hel and completed atleast 1x session of the Sinister One training and completed 8 quests).

Malignant Demon
Turns Lasted: 5 turns
Description: In this transformation the user's body glows a dark, black, evil aura and lightning rips through the sky.

Stat Increase: 10,000,000hp / 8,500,000pl / 9,000,000spd / 5,000,000ki / 6,250,000def / 3,800,000ml
Requirements: 6,750,000pl / 3,000,000ki / 2,700,000ml (must have completed 10 quests, have killed atleast 2 people either with [obliterator] or [instant kill] type attacks and have The Corrupter transformation on move list)

Chaos Terror
Turns Lasted: 10 turns
Description: The final transformation of a demon, and what a transformation. Power increases exponentially as the demon becomes engulfed in mystic flames, raising his/her strength a hell of a lot.

Stat Increase: 28,000,000hp / 32,000,000pl / 25,000,000spd / 10,000,000ki / 19,000,000def / 8,000,000ml
Requirements: 10,000,000pl / 7,000,000ki / 5,000,000ml (must of completed 15 quests)

The following are secret moves that had been forgotten by the demon race for a millenia.... they were unlocked by Hayubasa when he opened the Scrolls of Past and contain the same power as regular demon race mvoes. They can exclusively be used by him and only him.... so far

Crimson Sol
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: The user fires a scorching orb created from the deepest, hottest flames of Hell towards a single opponent burning them severely!

Status Factor: Will disable an opponent's current armour (if they have one, not of Ascended status) and any [self status] type moves they have active will be removed instantly!
Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 1,300,000pl and 800,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle, only 1x per opponent)

Type: Energy [special attacking status/wide area]
Description: The user summons the spirits of the ancient dead demon warriors in Hel, thousands of wicked souls appear surrounding the entire battlefield. The spirits cannot be defeated with kinetic or mental energies as they are already dead, a force of evil that truely cannot be stopped! The effect the souls have on the living however is horifficly powerful... They drain the energy of all living things they are near for however long they are summoned, eating away at their very life source!

Status Factor: This move attacks all opponent's and allies on the battlefield!! This wickedly evil attack will reduce everyones current HP by 1/4 for every turn this move is active (the user is exempt from the affects of this attack)
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 2,000,000ki & ml. (per turn used, for an extra turn the cost is an additional 2,000,000ki & ml - Can be active for a maximum of 3 turns only and can be used just 1x a battle!)

Phobus Fist
Type: Melee
Description: The demon warrior attacks with a single, deadly blow from a fist filled with dark power.

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 2,500,000pl. (Can be used 5x a battle)

Infinite Surge
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: The user summons the demon powers from the darkest reaches of their black heart, and by doing so increases their heartrate by 10 fold! This surge of blood increases muscle mass and power!

Status Factor: The users PL and DEF are increased by 5x their original amount! This lasts for 3 turns only.
Requirements: 3,200,000pl and 2,500,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle only, but the user must rest for 5 turns between each use)

Death's Sickle
Type: Energy
Description: The user creates an dark energy ball infront of them, it suddnely starts shaking and takes the shape to what can only be described as a weapon, very similar to that of a sickle. The user grabs the 'handle' of this sickle, pulls the sickle behind their head and with an almighty demonic scream hurls the energy sickle towards a single opponent with incredible accuracy and strength!

Damage Factor: 3,000,000
Requirements: 4,000,000pl and 1,000,000ki or ml. (Can be used 3x a battle only 0 the user can decide to use either ml or ki).

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