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Dark Galaxy

The Dark Galaxy, famously visited for the search in ultimate power... the Dark Dragonballs! However, your visit to the Dark Galaxy won't be a pleasant one as it holds many evil secrets...

Gravity Level: 200x
A dark planet that can be found the furthest away from the sun, because of this there is light on the planet for only 2 months a year, and a year in this galaxy lasts for approximatley 19 months! The planets surface is covered in desolate wastelands, mountaineous terrain and deep empty ravines, the biggest was recorded as having a length of 200 miles. The planet's O-Zone layer is still intact and the atmoshpere contains small traces oxygen, which provides evidence that maybe this planet was once not too dissimilar to Earth? However, due to the lack of oxygen and dense atmosphere it is practicaly impossible to survive on this planet longer than 3 weeks. Damionlove found the hidden item here.

Gravity Level: 70x
A planet constantly ravaged by heavy storms, probably why this planet is completely covered in sea. Not many explorers have been able to uncover many secrets about this planet, however one hardy explorer discovered a structure, or rather the remnants of a structure now turned to rubble at the highest peak of land mass underneath the ocean. Maybe a civilization inhabited this planet many millenia ago.

Darubon [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 350x
A planet that is orbited by five moons, which has somewhat of an adverse affect on visitors to this planet. The organisms that call this planet home have adapted to the 'alien' element found in the atmosphere, however any living, breathing organism that stays on this planet for longer than 3 days will start to feel the effects of a rather unpleasant chest infection, that will cause them to stop breathing altogether should they not leave the planet and it's dangerous atmosphere and breath regular air. Staying any longer than 3 days (72 hours) inevitably causes death ...

Gravity Level: 130x
Any demi-god who comes to this planet will receive an instant boost of 500,000 to both KI and ML. This can be aquired 1x a lifetime only, Gods do not qualify for this boost.

Fefreiti [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 100x
Now abondened, this planet was once a great training ground for warriors. Who knows, you may find something here that will help you on your quest for strength...

Gravity Level: 200x
A planet that has the lowest monthly year ever recorded. A year here is equivalent to approx 4.5 months, and there are only 10 hours in a day, 6 of which are occupied by darkness. This planet is the furthest away from the suns light, therefore not much vegetation can survive. The plant life that has adapted has shades of grey leaves, no petals, and nearly everything is covered in a black, sticky moss like substance.

Quinn [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 80x
A medium sized planet, slightly larger than Earth. It has a vast kingdom, that can be seen for miles. The people who live here are very wealthy, there is no such thing as poverty here. There is a great Trading Federation that exports riches and materials to other planets. This planet has the most perfect atmosphere, allowing it's wildlife and people to thrive. How bizzare it is that there is a planet, this perfectly accustomed to life, in a galaxy full of ... lost planets & civilizations. The people here are thought to know exactly what happened in the past, having it all recorded in ancient scriptures. It is however forbidden to speak of them and they claim to have jettisoned the scrolls into the deepest reaches of space.

Aour [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 140x
A twin plannet, it rotates the sun in this Galaxy exactly parallel to the planet Crii. It is quite small, but has many mysteries. Many structures are found here, some that have been dated back to 1000 years ago.

Gravity Level: 90x
This planet has ruins that can be seen for miles... just what happened here nobody knows. All evidence and history from this planet has been wiped into oblivion, now there are just derelict structures and buildings. Hayubasa found the hidden item here.

Gravity Level: 150x
If a Demi-God, God or DemonKing visits this planet and trains here, they will gain an extra 10,000 on all stats per day (not per session). This boost lasts for 14 days, and you can use training items here.

Hokkein [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 50x
The closest planet to the sun, so close in fact that the temperatures here are so hot that it scorches, and severely burns anything without the appropriate protection!

Gravity Level: 240x
Once said to be a thriving metropolis, with a wealthy capital in the center that was living quarters, and kingdom, to an ancient God. This God looked aftfer her people, bestowing them with kindness and generosity. All that is left now is rubble and stone, forgotten memories of a great republic...

Jagd'Reilu [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 410x
A planet that is covered in monuments that portray a worshipping of some sort to a gigantic race of people, juggernaughts in fact, that look to have been just wiped out... completely. It was if time had stood still for a split second, and an entire civilization was lost. An ancient legend tells of this happening, but it is considered as just a myth and is not taken seriously at all. Most explorers are too scared to visit the planet because of this myth however, so not much ground has been traced.

Gravity Level: 20x
A warmth, or rather a special type of energy that emits from the ground will bestow anybody who is good that visits this planet with an immediate boost of 2,000,000hp! However, in order to land here you need a DEF of atleast 5,200,000!

Nure [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 330x
It is said that this is the resting ground of a great warrior. This planet is where he took his last breath, but not much is known about his death and why he was robbed of life at such a young age, some speculate that someone else was involved. This warrior, however, possessed a powerful handicap...

Gravity Level: 140x
Exactly parallel to the planet Aour, this planet is what is known as a twin planet. It has a habitable atmosphere, with both land mass and vast oceans. However, there isn't a single sign of life anywhere.

Havuja Ragnarok owns this planet
Gravity Level: 200x
Any evil souls that set foot of this dark planet will know true power! They will be able to train here for 30 days, and each day receive a boost of 50,000pl & 50,000ki, but nothing else! No training items can be used here. This special training can be done 1x only, ever. Anybody who is good and tries to land here will have quite the opposite effect happen to them, and instead instantly die! Protection from this strange effect is currently ... none!

Yarquino [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 380x
A planet with a dark past... it is said many warriors come here. The planet has a valuable hidden artifact but it is guarded by a fierce champion, only the bravest souls come to this place....

Gravity Level: 60x
There is said to be a great reward on this planet, but nobody knows exactly what it is... no clues, nothing, weird hunh? ....... Damionlove found the hidden item here.

Gravity Level: 250x
A planet that can be travelled to only by Demi-Gods & Gods. The energy on this planet is so great that any normal mortal that comes here would die instantly because of the huge radiation levels emmiting from the planet's core. Any person who sets foot on this planet will gain an immediate boost of 5,000,000pl! This can be aquired once only, ever.

Gravity Level: 300x
Anyone of Demon blood who visits this planet will receive an immediate boost of 3,000,000spd & 1,000,000ki. This stat boost can be gained 1x a lifetime only! Not much is known about the planet.

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