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Although the Cell race is created in the same way as a Android, it is classed as another 'species' because it is a breathing, independantly thinking organoid. Cells, are given the name 'cell' because they are created from cells of the greatest warriors from different races, such as Saiyan, Namekian, Human and Chill. Like Androids they are created to battle so are naturally gifted fighters.


Perfect KI Wave
Type: Energy
Description: A powerful energy wave is charged with both hands and fired at an opponent with unmatchable accurracy, speed and power.

Damage Factor: 200,000
Requirements: 200,000pl and 100,000ki.

Solar Flare
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: The user puts his/her hands in front of their face, shouts "Solar Flare," and a bright light surrounds the user, so much that it blinds his/her opponent.

Status Factor: This move will stun the opponent for 1 turn.
Requirements: 200,000pl and 100,000ki and 100,000ml.

Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy
Description: The Kame Hame Ha wave is a huge blast, which is charged up, and held behind the user in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.

Damage Factor: 250,000
Requirements: 400,000pl and 200,000ki.

Barrage Death Beam
Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: A spin on the Chill's race move Death Beam, this time however the user fires multiple blasts from the fingertip that go off in all directions, hitting all foe's on the battlefield.

Damage Factor: 800,000
Requirements: 950,000pl and 400,000ki and 200,000ml.

Perfect Barrier
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: Similar to the Android Barrier, but dark blue in colour and somewhat perfected, however the amount of energy used is a lot so the barrier is only temporary.

Status Factor: Reduces damage from all moves done towards the user to 0 for the turn this move has been used. Does not protect the user from Supreme/Rapture Arts, Ascended Race and Custom Made moves and any moves with [death damage], [instant kill] or [obliterator] type status in them.

Requirements: 750,000pl and 400,000ki and 200,000ml. (Can only be used 3x a battle)

Destructo Disc
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: This is a flat, disc-shaped energy blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy. If pulled off correctly, it can kill an opponent. It cannot be evaded by instant teleportation.

Status Factor: It will kill an opponent if it successfully goes through.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000 (if it doesn’t kill opponent)
Requirements: 1,200,000pl and 800,000ki. (Can only be done 2x a battle)

Super Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: The strongest form of the kame hame ha wave, it is so big it hits all opponents. It cannot be evaded by instant teleportation (can only be done 2x a battle).

Damage Factor: 3,000,000
Requirements: 2,200,000pl and 1,000,000ki and 1,000,000ml.

Cellular Regeneration
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: A cell is able to regenerate their limbs, due to the Namek blood that flows through their veins, but in a much complex way than their Namekian cousins. With this move they can recover completely from any attack just done towards them, and their HP returns to it's maximum transformed state. However, due to the Saiyan cells in their genetic make-up this will make them even stronger than before!

Status Factor: Restores HP to maximum transformed state, but also doubles current PL and SPD by 2x (permanent until defeated or knocked out)

Requirements: 1,800,000pl and 1,000,000ki and 1/2 current ML. (Can only ever be used 1x a battle)

Extrasensory Powers
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: This attack allows the user to harness the mental energies that they possess and telepathically manipulate objects, including anybody who gets in their way. The user holds their opponent in the air with their psychic powers (no matter how much their foe struggles they cannot break free) giving the user two more turns in which to inflict some pain!

Status Factor: Holds a single opponent for 2 turns, making them unable to move.
Requirements: 1,000,000pl and 800,000ml. (Can only be used 2x a battle)

Chibi Cell
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: With this technique the user can 'give birth' to a miniature clone of him/herself, about the same size of a child with aqua blue skin as opposed to the normal green skin of a Cell warrior. However, do not underestimate them because of their demeening size, each clone created (upto 5 maximum) is incredibly powerful!

Status Factor: The user can create upto 5 miniature clones of themselves, each with 50% of the user's original stats when created. They have access to all the moves the user has (as long as they meet the requirements) but will die after 5 turns.

Requirements: 2,600,000pl and 500,000ki and 500,000ml per clone created. (Can be used 1x a battle only)

Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: An attack that will lower the agility of a chosen opponent, completely dependant on the strength of the user. Terribly devastating if the user is strong enough!

Status Factor: Lowers an opponent's SPD by 1/4 the user's current level of PL, lasts all of battle.
Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 800,000ki and 1,000,000ml. (Can be used just 3x per battle, 1x per opponent only)

Vitality Siphon
Type: Energy [special attacking status/special self status]
Description: Each Cell warrior has a tail that at the end holds a powerful weapon, one which can absorb the very life force of an opponent and add it to that of the user. The great advantage to this is that the user can decide just how much or how little to drain from their adversary.

Status Factor: Can drain upto a maximum of 20,000,000KI from an opponent, and convert that into HP to add to the user's current level. This is a permanent effect and lasts all battle. The opponent's current level of KI decreases by how much the user has drained.

Requirements: 3,500,000pl and 1,000,000ki and the user's SPD must be higher than that of the opponent's. (Can be used just 1x a battle only)

Ultimate Beam Cannon
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: Like the special beam cannon of the Namekian race, but it is charged much faster and contains considerably more power.

Status Factor: Will kill an opponent (if the user is strong enough)

Damage Factor: 6,000,000 (if it doesn't kill opponent)
Requirements: 4,500,000pl and 2,000,000ki and 2,000,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle)

Big Bang Crash
Type: Energy [melee/energy/attacking status]
Description: A deadly combination attack with the user first barraging their oppponent with thunderous punches and kicks until they are sent flying through the air, then the user teleports behind them and hammerfists their opponent in the back, sending them crashing towards the ground. Before the opponent hits the ground, the user charges up the Saiyan race move Big Bang Attack, but slightly smaller (not designed to destroy a planet but instead obliterate his/her opponent) and launches it at their foe!

Status Factor: This move will reduce an opponents current PL by 1/4 on impact.

Damage Factor: 7,500,000
Requirements: 6,000,000pl and 6,000,000ki and 3,500,000ml. (Can only be done 1x a battle)

Solar Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl3]
Description: The strongest version of the Kame Hame Ha wave that has ever been seen, so powerful in fact that it has the destructive powers to reduce anything within a metre to dust, including the planet it is used on, until it reaches the core of the planet and it detonates with a tremendous bang and flash of white ... when the light disappears everything is annihilated, reducing the planet to just asteroids and dust. It starts with the user flying outside of the planet's atmosphere and charging up the move, like any other Kame Hame Ha, but it's HUGE! The opponent(s) can see a glistening blue light outside of the planet's o-zone layer, and before it's too late its as big as a moon, and is heading straight for the planet. The amount of damage calculated from this move is phenomenal.

Damage Factor: 30,000,000
Requirements: 9,500,000pl and 12,000,000ki and 6,000,0000ml. (Can be used just 2x a battle)


Primary Form
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: More of a stat increase than a transformation, however the user's aura glows more intensly.

Stat Increase: 800,000hp / 700,000pl / 500,000spd / 400,000ki / 600,000def / 350,000ml
Requirements: 600,000pl / 400,000ki / 350,000ml

Imperfect Form
Turns Lasted: All of batle
Description: The user's muscle mass increases, as well as overall height and body size. Power is also greatly increased.

Stat Increase: 3,000,000hp / 2,500,000pl / 3,000,000spd / 1,200,000ki / 1,500,000def / 1,200,000ml
Requirements: 1,800,000pl / 1,200,000ki / 1,200,000ml

Complete Form
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: The user's skin is now a lighter tint of the original dark green colour and body becomes more streamline, but the size is smaller than that of Imperfect Form. Power is dramatically raised by this transformation.

Stat Increase: 7,000,000hp / 6,500,000pl / 5,000,000spd / 3,500,000ki / 4,500,000def / 2,500,000ml
Requirements: 5,000,000pl / 3,000,000ki / 2,000,000ml

Perfect Form
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: No noticable physical appearance changes to that of the Complete Form, but now lightning bolts rip of the newsly transformed Cell and the aura turns to a gold tint.

Stat Increase: 20,000,000hp / 26,500,000pl / 15,000,000spd / 10,000,000ki / 20,500,000def / 10,000,000ml
Requirements: 15,000,000pl / 8,000,000ki / 8,000,000ml

Absolute Perfect Form
Turns Lasted: 10 turns
Description: Appearance is unknown!

Stat Increase: 35,000,000hp / 30,000,000pl / 25,000,000spd / 20,000,000ki / 25,000,000def / 20,000,000ml
Requirements: 22,000,000pl / 15,000,000ki / 15,000,000ml (must have completed atleast 15 quests)

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