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Completely free of moral and good-will, twisted beings that find pleasure in destroying whole galaxies ... that is the Buu Race!


Beam of Evil
Type: Energy
Description: A dark purple beam of energy, composed of hatred and evil, is fired at a single opponent causing high levels of damage.

Damage Factor: 300,000
Requirements: 200,000pl and 100,000ki.

Buu Ball
Type: Melee
Description: The body of a buu is super strechy and flexible, giving them a huge advantage in battle. In this move they use this in their favour by rolling up into a ball and racing towards a single opponent and hitting them with full force, with the user just bouncing off unharmed.

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 400,000pl.

Buu Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy
Description: The Kame Hame Ha wave is a huge blast, which is normally charged up, and held behind the user in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy. However the buu's spin on this offensive technique is slightly different. The user charges it much quicker than usual above their head and fires it down at a single opponent, the energy created is pink in colour, not blue.

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 400,000pl and 250,000ki or 250,000ml.

Genocide Attack
Type: Energy
Description: An attack in which the user places lots of energy into a beam that is fired from one outstretched hand, the energy is devastatingly powerful and causes great damage to one foe.

Damage Factor: 1,000,000
Requirements: 800,000pl and 400,000ki and 200,000ml. (Can be used just 4x a battle)

Shyougeki Ha
Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: The user rapidly powers up, however in doing so the energy created causes a strong pink aura that is extremely unstable. The aura grows exponentially in size and explodes, causing massive damage.

Damage Factor: Damage is equal to 1/2 current PL at time of use.

Requirements: 1,000,000pl and 1/2 current KI (can be done 2x a battle only - and only if current KI is at least higher than 1/4 original KI, if not it cannot be used)

Mouth Blast
Type: Energy
Description: An energy blast that is quite fast and accurate, shot from the mouth.

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 2,500,000pl and 1,000,000ki.

Buu Absorption
Type: Energy [special attacking status/self status]
Description: The user can 'detach' any limb from their body, and grow it back instantly with their opponent non the wiser. This limb then sneaks behind any chosen opponent and envelopes them so they cannot escape. The tissue absorbs the victim and returns back to the user, re-attaching itself to their body. The opponent that was absorbed does not return to the fight for another turn, however it is too late as the Buu has absorbed their power!

Status Factor: All stats are added from the absorbed opponent to the user for the entire fight! The opponent is returned back to normal after 1 turn has passed. The opponent does not lose any stats.

Requirements: 5,000,000pl and 3,000,000ki and 1,000,000ml. (Can be used 2x a battle - 1x per opponent only)

Special Buu Genocide Attack
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: A much stronger version of the Genocide attack which this time is fired with two outstrecthed hands infront of the user, the energy used is much stronger this time although and the beam created is twice as large as the original. This move will track an opponent's unique energy levels, meaning it will follow an opponent even if they should try to evade this move in anyway.

Status Factor: Cannot be avoided by Instant Teleportation or any Race moves which evade attacks.

Damage Factor: 2,500,000
Requirements: 2,600,000pl and 1,000,000ki and 800,000ml. (Can be used just 3x a battle)

Cookie Attack
Type: Energy [attacking status/self status]
Description: This move is truly twisted. The user fires a beam of what looks like pink electricity from their antennae and when it makes contact with an opponent, turns them into a cookie! They are utterly defenceless in this form, as they cannot move, attack, or do anything! The user then scoffes the cookie, absorbing their opponent's stats and adding it to their own! The opponent is then returned back to the fight as normal.

Status Factor: Adds 1/4 of orignal HP/PL/SPD/DEF of the selected opponent to the user, lasts for the entire match. The opponent does not lose 1/4 of their stats however when this technique is used.

Requirements: 2,800,000pl and 1,000,000ml. (Can be used 1x a battle only)

Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: This move allows a Buu's body to change it's physical form to that of a liquid based state, allowing it to move much faster and become much more durable. In this state the user receives absolutely no damage from melee attacks and can deflect energy based moves straight back to the sender.

Status Factor: The user receives no damage from [melee] attacks, and all moves that have energy in them are deflected from the user straight to their opponent. Moves that contain [death damage] and [obliterator] status however are NOT deflected and the user receives full damage. This move is active for just 3 turns.

Requirements: 3,750,000pl and 1,000,000ki and 1,000,000ml. (Can be used just 2x a battle)

Perfect Kame Hame Ha
Type: Energy [attacking status/wide area]
Description: Because a Buu can see a move be performed once, and then copy that move and utilise it perfectly they can unleash a truly powerful Kame Hame Ha wave! This version of the move is charged much faster than the buu kame hame ha, and is bright pink with lighting bolts ripping off the incredible wave of energy!

Status Factor: Cannot be evaded by instant-tport!

Damage Factor: 5,000,000
Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 1,500,000ki and 1,800,000ml. (Can be done 3x a battle only)

Buu Teleport
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: Very similar to the Instant Teleportation technique, but is much stronger! There are no special requirements needed to learn this skillful move and when it is used in battle the user can evade all mvoes that instant t-port can, and more! When used outside of battle it can only ever be used 1x a day! (every 24 hours) unlike instant t-port which can be used freely as many times as the user desires.

Status Factor: Will evade all moves that Instant Teleportation can evade if used in battle. It can also evade [wide area] attacks in battle too.

Requirements: 2,600,000pl and 750,000ki and 400,000ml. (Can be done 3x a battle only, and only 1x a day outside of battle)

Type: Energy [wide area]
Description: The Buu's body begins to pulse and becomes a living bomb, exploding and destroying everything around before being brought back together by his/her regenerative abilities. This move will destroy everything in its path.

Status Factor: The user won't suffer any damage from this attack, but will be stunned for 1 turn.

Damage Factor: 10,000,000
Requirements: 5,000,000pl and ALL current KI. (Can be done 1x a battle only)

Shunkan Idô
Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: A devastating technique that allows a buu to boost any attack with enermous energy! The user teleports behind their opponent with great speed and charges up masses of energy from their core, fusing it with their next attack to unleash a super powerful force.

Damage Factor: When used it will give the user an extra turn to attack, and boost that attack by 600,000 points of damage.
Requirements: 1,800,000pl and 450,000ki (or) 450,000ml. (Can be done 2x a battle only)

Type: Energy [self status]
Description: Although the buu's are completely evil and are thought to possess only moves that are designed to make all living, peaceful things perish, they can create techniques that are meant for different purposes. This technique does just that and allows the user to heal an ally in battle, or opponent if they wish (not sure why this would be useful, but hey) by outstreching their arms and releasing healing energies.

Status Factor: This move will recover HP to 100% current transformed state, and can be used on any ally or opponent, but no the user.

Requirements: 4,000,000pl and 4,000,000ml (Can be done 2x a battle only - 1x per person).

Koukyuu Gata Kikou Ha
Type: Energy [death damage]
Description: The Buu puts his arms forth and lauches a gigantic energy ball. This technique is very potent, and is basically a Buu's spin on the standard ki blast but contains much more power.

Damage Factor: 5,000,0000
Requirements: 2,300,000pl and 2,800,000ki. (Can be used 5x a battle ony)

Planet Burst
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl4]
Description: A massive pink KI ball is created, and collects energy in the user's right palm, enough to destroy a planet ten times the size of Earth in a single shot! The enermous ball of energy is released and slowly destroys the planet from crust to core with devastating power.

Damage Factor: 25,000,000
Requirements: 12,000,000pl and 15,000,000ki and 5,000,000ml. (Can be done 4x a battle)


Majin Buu
Turns Lasted: All of Battle
Description: The user becomes twisted with evil power, and the evil greatly boosts stats.

Stat Increase: 2,500,000hp / 1,500,000pl / 2,000,000spd / 600,000ki / 1,100,000def / 500,000ml
Requirements: 1,100,000pl / 600,000ki / 500,000ml

Fat Buu
Turns Lasted: All of Battle
Description: A buu increases their power so much that they become fat in appearance.

Stat Increase: 4,000,000hp / 3,200,000pl / 1,400,000spd / 1,500,000ki / 2,000,000def / 1,250,000ml
Requirements: 2,100,000pl / 1,000,000ki / 1,000,000ml

Evil Buu
Turns Lasted: 30 turns
Description: A buu of true evil, their normally pink skin turns a dark shade of grey ...

Stat Increase: 7,000,000hp / 5,200,000pl / 3,000,000spd / 3,500,000ki / 2,600,000def / 2,750,000ml
Requirements: 4,000,000pl / 2,800,000ki / 2,000,000ml

Super Buu
Turns Lasted: 25 turns
Description: The buu grows in size by atleast 3 ft, and their body surges with power.

Stat Increase: 14,000,000hp / 11,500,000pl / 9,000,000spd / 5,000,000ki / 8,000,000def / 4,500,000ml
Requirements: 7,000,000pl / 3,200,000ki / 2,700,000ml

Chibi Buu
Turns Lasted: 20 turns
Description: A terribly wicked form ... pure evil, and pure power ... a force not to be reckoned with. The size of the buu is decreased however, to that a child's.

Stat Increase: 30,000,000hp / 28,000,000pl / 23,000,000spd / 19,000,000ki / 22,000,000def / 15,000,000ml
Requirements: 14,500,000pl / 10,000,000ki / 7,500,000ml (must have completed atleast 15 quests)

Mega Buu
Turns Lasted: 10 turns
Description: A buu's final form, they almost match the gods with their power .... almost. Their appearance is unknown, but only one Buu has ever managed to reach this form in the God War, but all the scrolls detailing the god war have been lost .... it could be said this transformation is legend.

Stat Increase: 75,000,000hp / 80,000,000pl / 50,000,000spd / 30,000,000ki / 45,000,000def / 30,000,000ml
Requirements: 22,000,000pl / 15,000,000ki / 18,000,000ml (must unlock the transformation through a Quest for it to become available, each individual buu must undergo the quest)

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