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Artifact List

Here you can find the list of all the artifacts that are hidden on planets all over the Universe...


100,000 Capsule Credits


$200,000 & 300,000 Capsule Credits

Senzu Bean (x3) & $50,000

Kai Weighted Clothing (x5) & Blue Scouter

200,000 stat boost to any energy form


Battle Arena Re-Translocator + $200,000

C3X Class Gravitron & Primus A-Weights (x3)

500,000 Capsule Credits

$800,000  (found by Ragnarok on 30.04.09 on Raedii)


Time Crystal  (found by Hayubasa on 08.07.09 on Roisaan)

$2,000,000 & 500,000 Capsule Credits


1 Star Dark Dragonball

2 Star Dark Dragonball

3 Star Dark Dragonball

4 Star Dark Dragonball

5 Star Dark Dragonball

6 Star Dark Dragonball

7 Star Dark Dragonball

Platinum Scouter & $250,000


1,000,000pl boost (permanent – carries over)  (found by Hayubasa on 14.07.09 on Danes)

Time Crystal

$350,000 & 100,000 CC & 500,000 stat boost (found by Hayubasa on 16.07.09 on Zurge)

Glove of Greed

50x wins (stats & record) & $500,000  (found by Dlove on 25.04.09 on Moorphala)

Custom Made Move

1,000,000 Capsule Credits

Zeal Parchment

500,000spd & 500,000def boost

Gloves of Rebirth


Rune Tablet of Kulth’zar

Time Crystal


Corrupted Armour of Immorality

$500,000 & 500,000CC & 500,000pl boost  (found by Hayubasa on 03.06.09 on Medrui)

Platinum Hourglass x2  (found by Hayubasa on 02.07.09 on Krolois)

Omega A-Weight

1,000,000ki and 1,000,000ml (carries over)

Scrolls of Past  (found by Hayubasa on 21.06.09 on Ureiln)

Goblet of Nostalgia

Ankh of Ahruzal

$600,000 & 200,000 Capsule Credits

Obelisk Bracelet

1,000,000ki boost

Phoenix Glove

Xens Papyri

Chalice of Cyndrr


Armour of Catastrophe, Vengeance & Lust

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