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Generally taking on Human forms, Androids are mechanical beings created for one purpose only .... destruction. However, some Android's artificial intellegence has been known to change their personality, making them realise that they too can live a peaceful, normal life. Anrdoids as a whole are quite strong, and never burn Kinetic Energy!


Photon Strike
Type: Energy
Description: A small, but powerful amount of energy is charged into a single energy blast and fired at an opponent with deadly accuracy.

Damage Factor: 200,000
Requirements: 200,000pl and 150,000ki.

Android Barrier
Type: Energy [self status]
Description: The user creates a barrier, red in colour, that surrounds their entire body protecting the android inside from damage.

Status Factor: Reduces damage from melee and energy based attacks by 25% for 3 turns. Works against all race moves, basic moves, hyper arts and even against moves with [attacking status] and [special attacking status]. Does not protect the user from Supreme/Rapture Arts, Ascended Race and Custom Made moves and any moves with [death damage], [instant kill] or [obliterator] type status in them.

Requirements: 850,000pl and 400,000ki. (Can only be used 5x a battle)

Bionic Punisher
Type: Energy
Description: The user fires hundreds of red energy bolts from each hand that are super fast and extremely hard to evade, and on impact each bolt explodes, creating a massive cloud of smoke and debris to appear around their foe. When the dust cloud clears the opponent can be seen struggling to regain their fighting stance as they have just been hit with a barrage of powerful energy!

Damage Factor: 500,000
Requirements: 600,000pl and 300,000ki. (Can be used 5x a battle only)

Delta Combination
Type: Melee
Description: A powerful combo of punches, kicks, hammerfists and knee-strikes are dealt to the foe, with each hit the user teleporting behind the opponent to ensure each blow is deadly as the last...

Damage Factor: 800,000
Requirements: 900,000pl and 300,000ki.

Infinity Bullet
Type: Energy [wide ranged/self status]
Description: The user charges their energy levels to such a high state that their current level of KI doubles, then they fire small but deadly energy balls in all directions making sure that no-one can escape the onslaught of lethal blasts coming their way. The upside to this attack is that the user can decide just how many energy balls to fire at their opponent(s).

Status Factor: Current KI levels double, for this turn only. User decides how many energy balls to fire at each opponent (can select to just fire 1 at 1 opponent, if KI levels are low, and who to fire them at, keep this in mind).

Damage Factor: 200,000 (per energy ball fired - maximum is 30 at one time)
Requirements: 1,300,000pl and 200,000ki (per energy ball fired - Can only be used 3x a battle).

Drain Life Source
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Description: A potent technique in which the user races over to their unaware opponent and grabs them by the face and lifts them into the air. The android has a special pad on each palm that can drain the energy that coarses through any living organism, and add it to that of the user!

Status Factor: Drains 1/4 of the user's current HP and adds it to their own level.
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 1/4 current KI. (Can be used 3x a battle, only 1x per opponent)

Type: Energy [special attacking status]
Description: The user charges two medium sized balls of orange energy either side of their body with outstretched arms, and then fires them both simultaneously so that they sweep round from either side of the battlefield and then close in on the opponent! The damage caused from this attack is astronomical because it catches the opponent unaware.

Status Factor: Reduces an opponent's current DEF by 1/2, for this turn only.

Damage Factor: 2,000,000
Requirements: 2,200,000pl and 1,200,000ki. (Can be used only 3x a battle)

Deadly Bomber
Type: Energy [instant kill]
Description: The user flies above their opponent and charges an extremely powerful ball of energy above their head, red in colour with black lightning bolts ripping off the sides. The energy used in this attack is so potent that when it comes into contact with anything it will detonate and everything in sight will be reduced to nothing.

Damage Factor: 5,000,000 (if it is unsuccessful in killing opponent)
Requirements: 3,800,000pl and 2,600,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle)

Photon Laser
Type: Energy
Description: Much stronger than the Photon Strike, as the user concentrates far greater levels of kinetic energy into a small and thin dark red laser that is directed straight towards an opponent's torso, dealing huge damage.

Damage Factor: 2,500,000
Requirements: 2,800,000pl and 1,000,000ki.

Self Destruct Device
Type: Energy [special attacking status/wide ranged]
Description: With this move the user sacrifices their health to destroy their foe, this is a last resort for Androids as it leaves them extremely vulnerable to attack if anybody should survive... not that there'll be a good chance that anyone would survive the wide ranged explosive power of this devastating attack!

Status Factor: Reduces the user's HP to just 10% of it's current level. This move will hit all opponent's and allies on the field.

Damage Factor: Damage is equal to the users current PL x2.
Requirements: 3,300,000pl and ALL current KI. (Can only ever be used 1x a battle)

Absorb Energy
Type: Energy [special self status]
Description: With this move active the user can absorb any KI energy based attack that is used against them, therefore receving no damage and adding the amount of energy used in the attack to their current level of PL, for the rest of battle! This move lasts for 3 turns only however.

Status Factor: For 3 turns the user absorbs any moves done towards them that contain only KI as the energy source (no ML!) and adds the KI used in the attack to the user's current level of PL. Moves that cannot be absorbed are [melee], [death damage] or [instant kill] type attacks.

Requirements: 1,300,000pl and 600,000ki. (Can be used 2x a battle only)

Photon Flash
Type: Energy [death damage]
Description: A photon powered energy based attack, slightly different to the Photon Strike and Photon Laser because it doesn't cause damage by exploding on contact. This move is done with the user outstreching their right arm infront and releasing a huge wave of energy that when hits an opponent, passes straight through them and takes a huge chunk of the opponent's life force with it!

Damage Factor: 3,000,000
Requirements: 2,500,000pl and 2,000,000ki. (Can be used 3x a battle)

Hell Storm
Type: Energy [wide ranged]
Description: The user detaches their right hand and holds it under their arm, revealing a nuclear charged weapon that fires thousands of atomic energy blasts at a chosen opponent, dealing overwhelming amounts of damage to their foe.

Damage Factor: 5,000,000
Requirements: 4,200,000pl and 3,000,000ki.

Giga Geyser
Type: Energy [obliterator lvl2]
Description: The user raises their right arm into the air and starts collecting an enermous amount of energy and forming it into an immense energy ball, growing larger and larger by the second until it is so big it blocks out the sun! Darkness falls onto the battlefield, and all that can be seen is the colossal dark red energy ball that is soon to obliterate the entire planet, reducing it to nothing but dust!

Damage Factor: 15,000,000
Requirements: 6,500,000pl and 10,000,000ki. (Can be used only 2x a battle)


Booster Android
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: A standard android stat booster chip that is just clipped onto the anrdoid's torso, very low in power but useful none the less.

Stat Increase: 500,000hp / 500,000pl / 500,000spd / 500,000def
Requirements: 500,000pl / 500,000ki

Power Upgrade # 1
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: The first of two upgrade chips to be developed for mechanical androids. The chip is planted in the cpu of the anrdoid, designed to give a better result when used.

Stat Increase: 1,500,000hp / 1,500,000pl / 1,500,000spd / 1,500,000def
Requirements: 950,000pl / 1,000,000ki

Power Upgrade # 2
Turns Lasted: All of battle
Description: The second type of android upgrade chip, very similar in design to its predecesor, however it is smaller in size but holds more power.

Stat Increase: 5,800,000hp / 6,000,000pl / 6,000,000spd / 5,000,000def
Requirements: 5,000,000pl / 2,500,000 ki

Red Ribbon Android
Turns Lasted: 20 turns
Description: A resilient and durable upgrade chip, designed by the head of the Red Ribbon organisation. This chip provides great power and speed, and runs at a high processing rate. However, the chip itself can only supply power for 20 turns when used in battle, before it runs out.

Stat Increase: 18,500,000hp / 22,000,000pl / 18,000,000spd / 5,000,000ki / 20,000,000def
Requirements: 14,000,000pl / 10,000,000ki

Dominance Android
Turns Lasted: 15 turns
Description: A great power boosting chip, however because of the drain it has on the power supply of the android, it can only be used for so many turns before it shorts it self out (not permanently).

Stat Increase: 40,000,000hp / 35,000,000pl / 30,000,000spd / 8,000,000ki / 25,000,000def
Requirements: 21,000,000pl / 14,500,000ki

Supremacy Android
Turns Lasted: 10 turns
Description: Very similar to the Dominance Chip but is stronger. Again however, because of the strain on the power supply of the android it shorts out temporarily.

Stat Increase: 50,000,000hp / 45,000,000pl / 40,000,000spd / 10,000,000ki / 30,000,000def / 8,000,000ml (if able to harness ML)
Requirements: 22,000,000pl / 20,000,000ki

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