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"Conversation Starters"
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 Parent's Bill of Rights
 Communicating With Your Child
 7 Steps To Better Negotiation
 Chores: Getting your kids to help

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What are "Conversation Starters"?

"CONVERSATION STARTERS FOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN" is a booklet with many different topics, situations, ideas, and questions to use when talking with our children. Since it's difficult (or impossible) to have long times to talk, Let's use those short times that we do have to their FULLEST.

This booklet is an excellent way to make quality time

when you don't have the quantity.

Conversation starters can be used at those times that are often wasted or even dreaded! Could times in the car, in line at the grocery store, or waiting at the laundromat be improved?

Transition times give you the opportunity to:

  1. Give your child the attention they deserve.
  2. Find out how they think, feel, and behave in different situations.
  3. Offer you a time to help them shape healthier behaviors.
  4. Build trust through the safe risk taking and sharing.
  5. Establish or help maintain the communication that will be critical when adolescence occurs.
  6. Prevent the squabbling, tantrums, and boredom of otherwise wasted time.
  7. Show your child that you value their perspective by taking the initiative for conversation.
  8. Create a "safe" time to approach difficult or awkward topics that might not occur.
  9. Help siblings teach each other acceptable behaviors.
  10. Record their developing and changing feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

To order your booklet, fill in the form below and your booklet will be sent to you immediately.

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If you have received your Conversation Starters booklet and you would like to submit a suggestion for future booklets, I welcome your input!

Duplicate submissions will defer to the first person's submission.

If your suggestion is used in future booklet(s), you will receive a complimentary copy as a small token of appreciation.

Thank you for sharing your ideas and have a great day!

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I hope you enjoyed visiting this site and would appreciate any feedback you would like to share.

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Thank you for sharing your ideas and have a great day!

Thanks for visiting!
~ Scott Ertl ~