
. Za’afiel, Za’aphiel ”wrath of God” A holy angel with dominion over storm-winds (hurricanes); an angel of destruction appointed to deal with the wicked on earth. He is 5th of the unholy sefiroth. Because of his missions, he is regarded in some sources as a good angel, in others as evil.

Zaamael, Za’amiel An angel with dominion over storms, he is the 6th of the unholy sefiroth. Because of his missions, he is regarded in some sources as a good angel, in others as evil.

Zabdiel An angel with the surname Kunya. He is one of the ineffable names of God.

Zabesael An angel of the seasons associated with Milkiel.

Zabkiel One of the rulers of the order of thrones (Arelim).

Zacharael, Zachariel, Yahriel ”remembrance of God” In geonic lore one of the seven archangels; prince of the order of dominations and ruler of the 2nd Heaven. In the cabala he is an angel of the order of powers and is the planet Jupiter. According to Paracelsus he is one of the planetary genii of Egypt (replacing Pi-Zeus) and is the angel of Thursday.

Zacharel An angel of the 7th hour of the night serving Mendrion.

Zachiel, Zadkiel Ruler of the 6th Heaven.

Zachriel An angel with dominion over memory.

Zacrath An angel invoked in the exorcism of the Bat.

Zada A ministering angel used for conjuring.

Zadakiel, Zadkiel A spirit of Jupiter.

Zaday One of the planetary angels.

Zades An angel invoked in the exorcism of Wax.

Zadikiel An angel invoked in Syriac conjuration rites.

Zadkiel, Tzadkiel, Zidwkiel, Adakiel, Zedekiel ”righteousness of God” In rabbinic writings he is the angel of benevolence, mercy, memory, and chief of the order of dominations (dominions, hashmallim). In Maseket Azilut with its ten hierarchic orders, he is listed as co-chief with Gabriel of the order of shinanim. He is also one of the nine rulers of Heaven and one of the seven archangels that stand in the presence of God. In The Zohar he is represented as one of two chieftains, the other being Zophiel, who assists Michael when the great archangel bears his standard in battle. In the magickal book Höllenzwang of Dr. Faust, he (called ”an enthroned angel of the holy Jehovah”) is the regent of Metistopheles. According to Jewish Magic and Superstition, he is another form of Sachiel. In A Theological Disourse of Angels is titled ruler of the zodiacal sign of Jupiter—although this angel has been identified as Zachariel, Abadiel, Zobiachel, Barchiel, and others. Also credited to him (as also to Michael, Tadhiel, and others) is the act of staying Abraham’s arm when he was about to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Zadykiel, Zadkiel In Chaldean Magic, he is the angel of Jupiter.

Zafiel The angel in control of rain showers according to Jewish legendary lore.

Zafniel In geonic lore the angel with rulership over one of the months.

Zagin A ministering angel listed in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.

Zagnzaqiel [Zagzagel]

Zagveron An angel invoked in the benediction of Salt.

Zagzagel, Zagzagael, Zagnzaqiel ”divine splendor” Prince of the Torah and of Wisdom (See also Yefefiah, Iofiel, Metatron). He instructed Moses in the knowledge of the Ineffable Name. He is the angel of the burning bush (See Michael) and chief guard of the 4th Heaven (but he resides in the 7th). A prince of the presence, he is a teacher of angels and speaks seventy languages. He is described as the ”angel with the horns of glory.” In Midrash Petirat Mosheh, he joined Michael and Gabriel in accompanying God when he descended from Heaven to take the soul of Moses and to assist in burying him.

Zahabriel In hechaloth lore, a guard of the 1st Heaven.

Zahaftirii In hechaloth lore, a prince of the face (presence) and along with Totraviel, a seal holder at the gate of the 5th Heaven.

Zahariel ”brightness” A great angel mentioned in The Apocalypse of Abraham. Transcendental Magic cites him as an angel invoked to resist the temptations or the person of the demon Moloch.

Zahari’il In Mandaean lore an angel of generation and childbirth, a kindly spirit of light and also a ”beneficent Lilith” which would make her female.

Zahbuk An evil angel supplicated in conjurations for the separation of a husband from his wife.

Zahrun In Mandaean lore, an angel, along with Zuheyr, was sent by Mailka d Anhura, the Giver of Life, to help in baptismal rites.

Zahun An angel of the 1st hour and of scandal.

Zahzahiel, Zagzagel An angel of the order of shinanim.

Zainon An angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed.

Zakiel An angel invoked, along with Michael, Gabriel, Sarphiel, and others, in Syriac spellbinding charms.

Zakkiel The angel governing storms. He was one of the great hierarchs present when God exalted Enoch and transformed him into Metatron.

Zakun A great angel who with Lahash led 184 myriad angels to steal away Moses’ prayer against dying before it could reach God. What his punishment for this deed was is not recorded.

Zakzakiel ”merit-God” The prince appointed to record the merits of Israel on the throne of Glory.

Zalbesael, Zehlebhsheel, Zalebsel ”heart of God” An angel with dominion over the rainy season.

Zalburis In The Nuctemeron, the genius of therapeutics, and one of the angels of the 8th hour.

Zaliel A Tuesday angel residing in the 5th Heaven and invoked from the south.

Zamarchad An amulet angel for warding off evil.

Zamiyad The Persian Magi assigned to this angel the care of the black-eyed houri or nymphs of Paradise.

Zaniel A Monday angel serving in the 1st Heaven and invoked from the west who governs the sign of Libra.

Zanziel One of the many guards at the gates of the West Wind.

Zaphiel, Zophiel, Iofiel A ruler of the order of cherubim and prince of Saturn. He is the preceptor angel of Noah and listed in La Kabbale Practique as ”chief of (the order of) thrones.”

Zaphkiel, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, Zophiel ”knowledge of God” Chief of the order of thrones and one of the nine angels that rule Heaven; also one of the seven archangels. Along with Iophiel and Orifiel, he is governor of Saturn. He has also been cited by some as the ruler of the order of cherubim (ophanim).

Zaqen One of the many names of Metatron.

Zarall Along with Jael, one of the twin cherubim that occupied the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.

Zarazaz, Maskelli In Pistiks Sophis the name of an angel ”called by the demons after a strong demon of their own place Maskelli.” He is the guard of the veil of the celestial treasure house.

Zaren An avenging angel.

Zarobi In Solomic magick an angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed.

Zaroteij An angel of the Seal.

Zarzakiel, Zagzagel? The angelic prince ”appointed by God to write down the merits of Israel on the throne of Glory.” He is identified with Sopheriel the Lifegiver.

Zathael One of the twelve angels of vengeance, the 1st formed at Creation. In some sources the angels of vengeance are equated with the angels of the presence.

Zatriel An angel invoked in Syriac ritual magick as a spellbinding power.

Zauir Aphin or Zauir Aupin Identified with Microprosopus, the ”Lesser Countenance” of God, a cabalistic concept.

Zavael, Rashiel An angel with dominion over whirlwinds.
Zawar One of the fifteen throne angels summoned in cabalistic conjuring rite.

Zazahiel an angelic guard of the 3rd Heaven.

Zazaii, Zazay In the grimoires a ”high holy angel of God” who may be summoned for the exorcism of evil spirits through the application of incense and fumigation.

Zazean An angel invoked in the exorcism of the Bat.

Zazel A great angel invoked in Solomonic magick, especially effective in love conjurations. He is the spirit of Saturn, with the cabalistic number 45. He is also an amulet angel, along with Asiel, effective against sudden death.

Zazreil ”strength of God” An angelic prince representing the ”divine strength, might and power.”

Zeasar Regarded by a Gnostic sect (Naassenes) as ”one of the greatest powers of the higher world, and related to [the rulership of] the river Jordan flowing upstream.”

Zebul ”habitation,” “temple” An angel who shares the rule of the 6th Heaven with Sabath—Zebul ruling by night, Sabath by day. However, Zabul is also a designation for the 3rd Heaven and the 4th Heaven.

Zebuleon One of the nine angels who will rule or judge ”at the end of the world”.

Zebuliel In The Zohar the chief angel of the west in the 1st Heaven, ruling only when the moon appears. He presides over a number of chieftains who stand sentry over the nine doors. It is believed that he accompanies prayers to the 2nd Heaven.

Zeburial In hechaloth lore, one of the guards of one of the halls in the 7th Heaven.

Zechariel ”Jehovah remembers” One of the seven regents of the world.

Zechriel One of the seventy child birth amulet angels.

Zedereza, Zedeesia, Zedezias A great luminary ”by the pronouncement of whose name God will cause the sun and moon to be darkened.”

Zeffar An angel of the 9th hour and the ”genius of irrevocable choice.”

Zehanpuryu’h ”this one sets free” A great angelic prince; advocate general of Heaven and dispenser of divine mercy. With Michael, he is weigher of the inerrable balances. He is one of the crown princes of the Merkabah. In hechaloth lore he is guardian of the 7th hall of the 7th Heaven.

Zeirna An angel of the 5th hour and genius of infirmities.

Zekuniel An alternate for Peli’iel as 2nd of the ten holy sefiroth.

Zelebsel ”heart of God” An angel of the rainy season and one of three leaders of the months under rulership of Melkejal.

Zephaniah, Zephemiah, Zephaniel ”Jehovah hides” In rabbinic literature, chief of the order of ishim, which is the 2nd hierarchic order in the ten orders of the cabala. This is the name for the witch (diviner) of Endor.

Zephaniel In Maseket Azilut chief of the order of ishim.

Zephon ”a looking out” Guardian prince of Paradise; the 6th sefira; one of the cherubim.

Zerachiel, Verchiel, Suriel, Saraqael One of the seven angels ”who keep watch,” making him a grigori. In Traité Élémentaire de Science Occulte,” he is a presiding angel of the sun. When identified with Verchiel, he is the angel of July and ruler of Leo.

Zerahiayah One of the many names of Metatron.

Zerahyahu One of the many names of Metatron.

Zeroel, Zeruch, Zeruel, Cerviel ”arm of God” An angel ”set over strength”

Zethar One of the angels of confusion and an ”observer of immortality.”

Zevanion In the cabala an angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed.

Zevtiyahu One of the many names of Metatron.

Zevudiel In Hechaloth lore, one of the seven guards of the 1st Heaven.

Zhsmael An evil angel invoked for separating a husband from his wife.

Zianor An angel invoked in the conjuration of Ink and Colors.

Zideon In the cabala an angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed.

Zi’iel The angel ”appointed over commotion.”

Zikekiel Preceptor angel for Abraham [See Zadkiel]

Zikiel, Ziqiel Chief angel of comets and sparks (lightning). In medieval Hebrew texts he is in control of meteors.

Ziv Hii In Mandaean lore one of the four angels of the North Star.

Zizuph An angel of the 8th hour and genius of mysteries.

Zkzoromtiel Leader of the angels of ire, one of nomina barbara

Zlar In Clavicula Salomonis one of the ”glorious and benevolent angels” who when invoked is solicited to share with the invocant the secret wisdom of the Creator.

Zogenethles In gnosticism an angelic power or aeon.

Zohar ”splendor” An angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed.

Zoharariel JHWH In hechaloth lore, the name of one of the highest angels (perhaps highest), or a secret name of God.

Zoigmiel An angel of the 9th hour of the day serving Vadriel.

Zomen An angel invoked in the exorcism of Wax.

Zoniel One of the three messengers of Saturn.

Zlophas Angel of pentacles and an angel of the 11th hour.

Zophiel or Zaphiel ”God’s spy” A spirit invoked in the prayer of the Master of the Art in Solomonic conjuration rites. He assists Michael when he bears his standard in battle.

Zoroel An angel who is able to thwart the intentions of Kumeatel, one of the thirty-six demons of disease.

Zorokothera or Zorokothora [Melchizedec]

Zortek One of the guards of the 1st Heaven.

Zotiel, Zutiel, Zutel ”little one of God” In Enochian lore, a cherub sometimes identified as Johiel, guardian of Paradise. Zouriel An amulet angel.

Zsneil an evil angel invoked to cure inflammation, dropsy, and other disorders.

Zuhair In Mandaean lore one of the angels that follow the sun on its daily course.

Zuheyr One of the two angels in Mandaean lore whom the Great Life sent down to help man in the performance of baptismal rites.

Zumech ”a most holy angel of God” invoked in magickal operations.

Zumoel One of the seventy child birth amulet angels.

Zuphlas An angel of the 11th hour and genius of forests.

Zuriel ”my rock is God” Prince of the order of principalities, ruler of Libra and one of the seventy child birth amulet angels; also a curer of stupidity in man. When identified with Uriel, he is the angel of September. ”Chief of the house of the father of the families of Metari.” Numbers 3:35.


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