
. Yaasriel An angel in Jewish lore who is in charge of the ”70 holy pencils.” With these pencils he constantly engraves anew on shards the Ineffable Name of God.

Yabbashael One of the seven angels with dominion over the earth. His name id derived from Yabbashah, ”the mainland.”

Yadiel, Yadael An angel summoned to assist in ceremonial rites. He is also listed among the guards of the gates of the North Wind.

Yael, Yale, Yehel ”mountain goat” A throne angel invoked in magickal rites at the close of the Sabbath.

Yahala One of the guards of the gates of the West Wind.

Yahanaq Rabba One of the guards of the gates of the East Wind.

Yahel. Yael One of the throne angels and an angel of the 4th pentacle of the Moon.

Yahoel, Yaho, Jehoel, Jaoel An angel equated with Metatron (Yahoel is the 1st of Metatron’s many names). He taught Abraham the Torah and was his guide on earth and in Paradise. As Jehoel, he is a heavenly choirmaster.

Yahrameel In occult lore a great angel. He appears in the Vocabulaire de l’Angélologie as Iofi El, ”beauty of God,” which would equate him with Yahoel. He is also mentioned in the 17th-century work Cosmology of the Microcosm, by alchemist Robert Fludd.

Yahriel, Yehra, Yarheil, Zachariel From the Hebrew yerah meaning ”moon.” He has dominion over the moon.

Yahsiyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Yakriel An angel guarding the 7th Heaven.

Yalda Bahut, Ialdabaoth ”child of chaos” In the Ophitic (Gnostic) system, he is one of the seven archons; also named Ariel. As the Demiourgos, he occupies a position directly below the ”unknown Father.”

Yamenton An angel invoked for the benediction of the Salt.

Yaqroun An angel in Mandaean lore.

Yarashiel One of the guards of the gates of the East Wind.

Yaron A cherub or seraph invoked in the benediction of the Salt.

Tashiel An angel of the 1st pentacle of the Moon.

Yazroun An angel in Mandaean lore.

Yebemel One of the seventy-two angels of the Zodiac.

Yechoel One of the seventy-two angels of the Zodiac.

Yedideron The 6th of the personalized angels of the ten holy sefiroth.

Yefe(h)fiah, Jefefiyah, Iofiel, Yofiel, Yefefiah ”divine beauty” The angel prince of the Torah. He taught Moses the mystery of the cabala. In Aramaic incantation texts, he figures as one of the 6 (or 7) great archangels. In Mandaean lore he is known as Yfin-Yufafin. He may be identified with Metatron. [See Dina]

Yehadriel [Akathriel]

Yehemiel An angel inscribed on charms to ward off evil.

Yehovah Vehayah One of the many names of Metatron.

Yehudiah, Yehudiam In The Zohar he is one of the chief angelic envoys. He descends with myriads of attending angels for the purpose of bearing aloft the souls of persons about to die or who have just died. He is a beneficent angel of death.

Yehahel An angel of the 1st pentacle of Mercury.

Yeliel One of the guards of the gates of the East Wind.

Yephiel An angel inscribed on charms to ward off evil.

Yeqon [Jeqon]

Yerachmiel One of the seven angels that rule earth.

Yerathel [Terathel]

Yeruel One of the seventy childbirth amulet angels.

Yeruiel The 3rd of the ten holy sefiroth.

Yeshamiel In Jewish lore, an angel who governs Libra.

Yeshayah One of the many names of Metatron.

Yesod, Yesodiel ”formation” The 9th of the ten holy sefiroth of the cabala. Moses invoked his name to bring death to the first-born men and animals in Egypt at the time of the plagues.

Yezriel One of the seventy childbirth amulet angels.

Ygal One of the seventy childbirth amulet angels.

Yikon [Jeqon]

Yisrael ”prince hood and strength” A variant for Israel.

Yizriel X ”prince hood” In The Sword of Moses one of the fourteen invocation angels and an ineffable name for God.

Ylrng One of the nomina barbara mentioned in The Book of the Angel Raziel.

Yofiel, Iofiel, Youfiel, Jofiel, Yefefiah The angel preceptor of Shem; prince of the Torah. In The Zohar he is a great angel chief with 53 legions of lesser hierarchies serving him; the latter superintend the reading of the Torah in congregations at the Sabbath. In the cabala he is the spirit of Jupiter when it enters the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius. He is invoked as an amulet angel. ”To Yofiel, the king of the mazzikin, Kafzefoni, must submit,” Fallen Angels

Yofiel Mittron X An angel listed in The Sword of Moses.

Yofin, Yofafin an angel in Mandaean lore.

Yomael, Yomiel In 3 Enoch an angelic prince of the 7th Heaven. He is also invoke din Syriac conjuring rites.

Yomyael [Jomjael]

Yonel One of the guards of the gates of the North Wind.

Yrouel Angel of fear. He is inscribed on amulets worn during pregnancy.

Yura In Mandaean lore a spirit of light and rain who is called ”the great mystic Yura.”

Yurkemi, Yorkami, Baradiel Angle of hail. In Jewish legend he offered to extinguish the fire consuming the three men in the fiery furnace, but Gabriel contended that his help would not suffice.

Yus(h)amin In Mandaean lore he is a spirit of fertility dwelling in the wellsprings of light. He is one of the three supreme uthri. [See Samandiriel]


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