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Blade Pro Diamonds Tag Tutorial
Blade Pro Tri-Diamond Frame Tag Tutorial
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Easy Tag 2 Using Toadies Effects
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Blended Mask without the Blending Tag
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A Different Kinda Tag
Written and Created by Debbie "Debz" Coates


What you need for this tutorial:
Done in PSP 7, but may be done with earlier and later versions
Mask of your choice
Frame of your choice
Toadies Blast 'Em
dsb flux Bright Noise
Graphic of choice

Open a new transparent image 300 X 300. Pick 2 colors, a light and a dark, from your graphic with you dropper tool, then click your flood fill bucket. Fill the image with your lighter color. Apply your mask and delete the mask.

Add a new raster layer. Flood fill with your darker color, apply the same mask and delete the mask. Resize this layer by 75%. Effects > Sharpen > Sharpen. While still on this layer, apply dsb flux Bright Noise at 7. Layers > Merge > Merge Visible. Minimize this for now.

Open the graphic you want to use. If it's really big, resize so that it is smaller than the masked area of your other image. Now apply the frame you want to use to your graphic. Ctrl + C to copy it. Now bring your masked image back up, Ctrl + L to paste it as a new layer. In your layer palette, duplicate this layer and then click the glasses next to it to hide it.

Make sure your layer below the one that you hid is active. Apply Toadies Blast 'Em with the default settings. Now hit Ctrl + Y (this repeats the Blast 'Em) about 4 or 5 times.

Click the glasses on the top layer to unhide it and apply a drop shadow of your choosing (you can use the PSP drop shadow, EyeCandy, Lokas 3D Shadow, whichever you like). Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.

Click on your crop tool. Go to the tool options, click on crop settings, then click Select opaque area - current layer. Layers > Merge > Merge All (flatten). Watermark it, put your name on it, and save it in the format you choose.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed this tut and I hope you found it easy.

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