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Blade Pro Diamonds Tag Tutorial
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Easy Tag 3 Using Toadies Effects
Written and Created by Debbie "Debz" Coates


What you need for this tutorial:
1. PSP 7 (This was written using PSP 7, but I'm sure it can be modified for any version.)
2. Toadies Filters
3. Any tube or tubes you want to use

Open a new transparent image, 500 X 300. Open the tube or tubes you want to use. For the example, I used 2 tubes and just made something out of it. Now take your pretty you just made, Ctrl + C to copy, Ctrl + L on your new image to paste it. Go to Image > Resize > 50% of original...make sure resize all layers is unchecked. Go to Effects > Reflection Effects > Kaleidoscope and use these settings:
H offset - 65
V offset - (-43)
Rotation angle - 0
Scale factor - (-63)
Number of Petals - 8
Number of Orbits - 0
Radial Suction - 18
Ctrl + C to copy your image. Effects > Plugin Filters > Toadies > Blast 'em! with the default settings. Ctrl + L to paste your copied image onto the effect you just created. Now paste your original tube, or any other tube you choose, onto the image. Layers > Merge > Merge All (flatten). Crop your image and resize if you choose. You're Done!!

Here's mine! :)

That's it! You can dress it up how you want. Hope you enjoyed this tut and I hope you found it easy.

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