Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
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Welcome to BA's - BS Page -

Maybe You Oughta Read My Disclaimers - Before Reading The Crapola Below?

BA and Leashes! New - Oct. 25,2003

The Rules - Again! - Oct. 19, 2003

Paddling Out - Stay Outta The Way!  - Sept. 25, 2003

BA's Validation - GL Nine! - Sept. 24, 2003

BA Whines - GL Nine? - Sept. 22, 2003

What Is Surfing All About - Forget It - You'll NEVER Get It! - Sept. 21, 2003

Thanks Men's Journal - Now I know where "The Shoe" is  - Sept. 16, 2003

Hey BA - Happy Birthday - You Gotta Driver's License?  - Aug. 19, 2003

Bonzer's New Wetsuit - August 17, 2003

Another Bunch of Boring BA Opinions About Localism?

My First Time at WindanSea - 1960?  - June 16, 2003

Yeah Baby - Localism - View from someone other than BA! - June 10, 2003

BA Re-Writes WindanSea History  - June 7, 2003

My New Train Tribe  - June 5, 2003

Wanna Play - You Gotta Pay!   - May 20, 2003

Is It Easier to Learn How to Surf via the Bodyboard or the Surfboard?  - May 16, 2003

Part 1 - PB Surf Shop  - May 2, 2003

Part 1 - My New Tribe  - April 30

A Bit About Boogering II  - April 24

A Bit About Boogering I  - April 3

The Shores Gang - Just a Start -  - Will be Finished Some Day?

Start of "The McDonough Eyes"  - April 20, 2003 - Complete Someday?

Did a Monster Eat My Surfboard?  - April 15, 2003

Are the French Waves soft too?  - April 13, 2003

Let's Praise the Hackers  - Updated April 10, 2003

What are YOU doing out here - Black's 1?  - December, 2001 - Updated - April 9, 2003

How Big Was That Wave? - April 7

Wind an Soup Surf Club? - April 4

Balsa or Foam?  - April 2

Female Anti-War Protesters (then and now)  - March 30

Dairy Mart-ers - March 27

Segregation in La Jolla?  - March 26

What are YOU doing out here - Simmons 1?  - March 22

Will he be accepted?  - March 21

Are you stuck on one board?  - March 19

Llama Man  - June, 2001


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.