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Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:
* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

     What in the Hell are you - yes YOU - doing out here?

Paddled-out today at Simmons. One other guy out (GreenBoard Guy) and I didn't know him.

We shared waves for about and hour 6am to about 7 am. Then the fun started.

Simmons is a pretty interesting wave, breaks in shallow water, over reefs.

It's always been a fairly "localized" wave, average age of the surfers is in the
young male danger zone - 16 to 30 years old.

Luckily, I know most of the kids, and they look at me as no threat, etc.

Today, was easy, sharing waves, then 3 new guys paddled-out.

These guys stunk (I guess) - two were on longboards, one was on a very small thruster.

The three did not catch a wave while GreenBoard and I were out!

They had seen GreenBoard and me catch waves, as the three of them cruised the surf trail along Neptune.

These guys were not in the way, and did not even try to hack us, or anything like that.

I guess it's just the fact that these guys were able to paddle-out, tied to their boards.

Maybe I'm just a little jealous - way, way back - paddling-out, at a place like Simmons, and if you didn't have the surf skills to be out there you were sent in by one or more of the local WindanSea guys.

Of course, we didn't have leashes then, and the thought of losing our board as well as the instant retribution that often occured, kept most of us out of places like Simmons, WindanSea, etc.

Lots more to follow on this "Opinion Piece" a bit later.

