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Summer of Love - 2002

I was digging thru some of my old "stuff" from last year - Summer of 2002 - and found something I started to write, but never finished...it's finished now...as am I!

This is old news, but, after all, I'm old and a little tired from xxxxxxx days of good waves at La Jolla's Reefs.

I think I was in a 7 - 11 this morning.

I know that I did not have my reading glasses on.

I think that I saw the new Men's Journal?

I think I saw a set of instructions of "How to get to 'The Shoe' and what a perfect sponge wave it is."

Could I have been experiencing one of dem "Acid Flashbacks" that I've heard about?

Did I really see an article in Men's Journal on surfing "The Shoe" complete with a detailed map on how to find it (The Shoe)?

Well, if there were an article about "The Shoe" in a mag - I just wanna give a hearty La Jolla Welcome to the readers of "Whatever That Fish Wrapper Was", and for those readers to please join me at Horseshoe.

I'm sure all of the LJ Reefers, and my fellow members of the WindanSea Surf Club feel exactly the same!

So please come on down, the water is fine, and the locals have found God.

If you don't have a sponge, I know the nice fellows at The Casa Wall will be happy to loan you one of theirs.

There are plenty of surfboards for rent under the shack at WindanSea, and any one of the sober Christians that hang on the bluff above WindanSea will be glad to accommodate a surfer in need.

I know I speak for all, that the local vibe in La Jolla will be one that leads to a true "Summer of Love!"
