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Kind of a massive disclaimer follows:

My message here, is simply to relate my experiences with a few of the large and very powerful bureaucracies in California.

The obvious solution for me, would have been to NEVER allow my issues to end-up in court, but they did.

I'm not crying about $$ or whatever -

Just know, that if you do end-up with the courts taking charge of your driver's license or other legal issues, they have more resources than you do, they (the courts) never give-up, and if they make a mistake, regardless of the consequences to you, it is up to YOU to prove your innocence, not for them to prove you are guilty - of whatever!

Believe me, attorneys and government workers love the system - and I'm sure will fight to the death - probably yours - to preserve the status quo.

End of disclaimer, whining, etc!

A long time ago - almost 36 years ago - I married a wonderful lady, Cathy, and we had three (3) super kids: Brian, Eric and Kris.

Like most young couples, with kids, we thought we would be together for ever and ever, just like in the marriage vows.

Well, we didn't stay together, "until death do us part," we divorced - this is certainly not a secret, nor is it uncommon.

In my opinion, I don't think it's very easy to prepare for marriage, or to prepare for parenthood. My opinion only - again - is that one could and should, become familiar with the laws of one's state, just in case you do get married and have kids, and God forbid, get divorced.

I think that every potential parent - male or female - should hang around Family Court and / or the District Attorney's Office of Spousal / Child Support for at least a few hours.

I've had a few opportunities to enjoy the court system in San Diego County and how it (the court system) deals with those who it deems in violation of court orders.

This is my latest experience:

Part A - Friday, August 15, 2003:

1. My driver's license is gonna expire on Monday, Aug. 18 2003, so I go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew my license. I haven't received anything in the mail from the DMV regarding license renewal, but that is not surprising - the surprises were to follow.

2. I waited in line for THREE, yes 3 hours, to take the written test. Finally, it's my turn to go to the clerk at Window Number 21. I tell the lady that I need to renew my license, show her my old one (license, that is) make a stupid joke about what a great driver I am, and quizzically ask, maybe I don't have to take the test?

3. Number 21's response simply was: "Your license has been suspended for 3 years. You don't even have a license to renew. You've got to go to Family Court for a release."

     3a.  I say: "I don't know what this is about, but I'm not gonna argue with you about it. May I have something to take to Family Court so they'll know what I'm talking about."

     3b.  #21 sez: "No, you can't have this record, go here."  

She wrote Family Court on a yellow sticky note.

4. It was still before 2:00 PM on Friday, so, I thought I could go to the Family Court, get the release, and then go to the DMV first thing on Monday.

5. Well, surprise again!

6. After spending $10 for parking, and waiting in line at Family Court for about an hour, I was told that I would need proof (check stubs) proving that I was making my court ordered payments.

7. That finished Friday, the 15th.

Part B - Monday, August 18, 2003 The wrong court:

1. The surf was good today - but I needed to get an early start on today's activities.

2. So, complete with my records proving my payments were in compliance with the court orders, I went BACK to Family Court, paid $10 for parking, waited in line again, and adding insult to injury, I was told that I was in the WRONG court - I had to go to the License Suspension Department, County Courthouse,, 220 West Broadway, Downtown, San Diego.

3. Since I had already paid $10 for the parking on Sixth Street, I decided to make the 1.5 mile walk to 220 West Broadway.

4. The walk was uneventful, and I even had a lot of fun telling the beggars I was on my way to jail, why don't they give ME some $$.

5. Whew, finally made it to 220 - 6th floor - another wait in line.

6. I filled out the required paperwork - which apparently nobody reads anyway - and waited for a caseworker to call me.

7. After a one hour wait - finally, it's my turn - I figgered this would only take a couple of minutes, obviously there had been a mistake - just give me the release, and I'll be on my way!

Part C - Monday, August 18, 2003 "Don't Show Me No Attitude:"

1. Caseworker (CW) to BA:   "Why are you here?"

2. BA to CW:   "Because I tried to renew my driver's license, and the DMV Clerk, Window #21, said my license had been suspended for 3 years by the Family Court."

3. CW to BA:    "We don't suspend driver's licenses, we only notify the DMV if we don't receive our money. Where is the information from the DMV?"

4. BA to CW:   "All I have from the DMV is this yellow sticky note. My wages have been garnished for the past three years. I haven't received any notification from either the DMV or this court, indicating that you have not been getting your money."

5. CW to BA:   "What is your social security number?"

6. BA to CW:   "###-##-####"

7. CW to BA:   "Hummmmmmmmm. Is your employer XYZ Corporation?"

8. BA to CW:   "I do not work for XYZ, nor have I ever even heard of them. Here are records for the past three years from my current employer, all showing the deductions from my wages, and by the way, how did XYZ Corp. EVER get entered into my file, as my employer?"

9. CW to BA:    "I don't know how the mistake was made, but I have corrected the entry."

10. BA to CW:   "I am a little confused. You have been trying to garnish my wages from an employer for whom I do not work, and yet you have been getting money from my real employer for the past three years?"

11. CW to BA:   "Apparently."

12. BA to CW:   "You mean to tell me that because you could not extort money from a company, for whom I do not work, and I'm sure notified you that I am not an employee, you notified the DMV that I was not paying the court, even though you were receiving money all along?"

13. CW to BA:   "Don't cop an attitude with me, Mr.. Andrews."

14. BA to CW:   "May I have my release, since I am obviously paying my debt."

15. CW hands BA the release.

Part D - Monday, August 18, 2003 The Caseworker's Supervisor:

1. Caseworker's Supervisor (CS) joins in:   "May I help?"

2. BA to CS:   "I have a few questions."

3. CS to BA:    "They are...?"

4. BA to CS and CW:   "Can you explain to me, how the wrong employer was entered into my records?"

5. CW to BA:   "No."

6. BA to CS:   "Can you show me when and how you notified XYZ Corp regarding my wage attachment, and what their response to your request was?"

7. CS to BA:   "No"

8. BA to CS:   "Can you show me the documentation notifying the DMV about your inability to collect your money from XYZ Corp., even though you were receiving money from my actual employer?"

9. CS to BA:    "No. Why are you getting angry?"

10. BA to CS:   "Let's see - I've lost two days of work because of your incompetence, not because I haven't been paying my money.

You can't show me any documentation regarding my payment activities over the past three years. You notified the DMV that you were NOT receiving payment from XYZ Corp, even though you were receiving payments from my real employer.

Downtown San Diego parking has cost me more than $10 per day, at a lot almost two miles from here."

11. CS to BA: Don't cop an attitude. You're the one who has not lived-up to the obligations you made 35 years ago."

12. BA - running out the door - to CS:    "If I collected and entered data into my files as sloppily as you do, I would end-up on the street, with someone's shoe imprint on my butt!"


Whew - I'm exhausted - this has gotta be continued!

Ps - I did get my license on Monday, the 18th, - and an apology from the DMV!!



Another opinion of why NOT to surf in La Jolla -

Cribbed and snipped from a Dan King Essay:

"...The waves are inevitably crappy closeouts. The wind is always onshore. In addition there are serious access problems...

...If you do find a spot to park, you will end up paying for it, and most likely your car will get broken into and/or ripped off while you are out in the surf..."

Bonzer's First Wetsuit - I did NOT write this - That's why it's good!!  New - Aug. 17, 2003

The link to more of my surf reports is:    Surfing With BA

The link to my "BS Page" is:  BA's BS Page


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.


Oops Forgot Some Stuff:

Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:

* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

I'm doing this web thing for a few reasons, and it is, and will be, "a work in progress" for a while:

1. It's an easy way for me to organize my "autobiography" so my kids will know a bit more about me.
2. I find this computer and internet stuff fascinating.
3. I was lucky to be able to start surfing - at least in my opinion - in the "Golden Age" of surfing - I do have some yarns to spin regarding those times.
4. This is an efficient way for some of the old guys to touch bases again - I've received a few e-mails from old (err, long-time) friends I've haven't seen in forty years or so - I think that's way cool.
5. I'm still surfing almost every day - and, at least in my opinion - that's a pretty "boss" thing to write about.
6. I think it will be nice, in a couple of years, to maybe look back at how good - or bad - the surf was in any given stretch of time.


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.