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Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:
* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

     Anti-War Protests: Then and Now -
(Bill Andrews, March 30, 2003)


A million years ago - back in the early to late 1960's, the US was engaged in a war in Viet Nam.

History has shown that this particular war may not have been one of the US's best use of military might and tax dollars, but it did happen.

Today's war with Iraq is another time and another place, and it certainly seems like a much better use of the military and money than Viet Nam did.

However, the correctness of war is not my issue, it's the hotness of the female war protestors.

Back in the sixties, UCSD (University of California, San Diego) was the hot bed for San Diego's anti war protestors.

I was in my twenties, surfing, racing motorcycles, and kindda just being, what I thought, a pretty cool guy.

But - my ablitity to pick-up and bag chicks was still way behind what I thought was the national average for men my age and perceived stud-lee-ness.

But - II - the coeds that attended UCSD were hotties - hippie chicks of the sixties, free love (I hoped), obviously very bright, and more than willing to participate in the conversion of a guy from: "kill em all and let God sort em out," to peace and love and a very early "can't we all just get along?"

Brief historical bio:

My father (The Major), and my grandfather (The General), were obviously pretty gung-ho military, and I even received a NROTC Scholarship from the Navy for the University of New Mexico (that only lasted until 1964 when I found out I was not qualified for Naval Air).

I bailed Albuquerque, and returned to La Jolla.

Now, back to the anti-war babes:

I was presented this "Moral Dilemma" (thanks Dr. Laura)-

My morals and upbringing were whining:

Go USA kill the commmie bastards.

My ego was SCREAMING: "Tell the hippie chicks you hate war - communism rules... you'll probably get laid, and really, your luck couldn't get any worse in bagging chicks anyway"

A short geography lesson:

The UCSD campus was part of my Bultaco Sherpa motorcycle route detour, from my Mom's house at La Jolla Shores, to the open hills and trails of Miramar.

I was way cool - I thought - with my long hair, Bates Leather jacket and pants (blue with white stripes running the length of my pants' legs and the arms of my jacket [I even had my name embroidered on my jacket - yeah baby])

Now, back to the anti-war babes and my choices:

The choice was actually suprisingly easy!

I had found horn-dog heaven:
    Hippie Chicks

    Anti-war stance

    A bit of shared wine or other mood altering substances

BA is now a babe-magnet!

Now, let's look at today's anti-war protestors:
    Most of the women, ONCE were Hippie Chicks.

    They used to be hotties - 40 years ago -

    Now they're old - my age - ugghhhhh -

    They're bitter, some have been divorced more than once.

    Their arguments extolling the virtues of socialism or communism just don't make any sense.

    They're bitter, some have been divorced more than once - and a lot of them hate men -

    These female protestors will NEVER (BA - NEVER say never) get a bunch of young guys to chant anti-war slogans and / or wave some flowers in the air, in exchange for a little sex -
Opps did I just say that?

 Well, good luck to the anti-war protestors!

Not only are they stupid, but they're old and ugly!

Just my opinion.


