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In 1908 hundreds of square miles of Siberian forest were flattened and burned by a mysterious
fireball. Only now, nearly nine decades later, are we learning what really happened--and not
a minute too soon a vast fireball raced through the dawn sky over Siberia, then exploded with
the force of 1,000 Hiroshima bombs. The heat incinerated herds of reindeer and charred tens
of thousands of evergreens across hundreds of square miles. For days, and for thousands
of miles around, the sky remained bright with an eerie orange glow--as far away as western
Europe people were able to read newspapers at night without a lamp. The effect was much
like that of a great volcanic eruption, yet there had been no eruption.
The only objective indication of the extraordinary event was a quiver on seismographs
in the Siberian city of Irkutsk, indicating a moderate quake some 1,000 miles north in
a remote region called Tunguska.
The Tunguska incident in 1908 has caused much scientific speculation.
Some have asserted that it was only a comet or meteor. However, no
meteor fragments or impact craters were found in the area. Others
have asserted that it was a mini-black hole. But, this may be
stretching current science a bit? Others have suggested that it was
a reactor explosion of an alien space craft. Well, if the aliens
are using D'Stridium propulsion (as seems likely from our
understanding of it), the explosion was far to small for a reactor
melt-down. And, into the controversy, we even made a stab, suggesting
that someone out there, may have attempted to produce an early
D'Stridium Reactor, but did not design it right, producing an
unsually low yield, that eventually over-loaded into an explosion.
However, this may be stretching science a bit to make it fit the
facts, too.
Consequently, we now turn your attention to what does seem to
fit the facts. Researchers into Tesla's work have come to the
concensus that it was probably one of his experiments. In the
beginning of the 1900s, he was building Wardenclyffe, to transmit
messages and electrical power all over the globe. But, by 1908,
he had fallen into bad economic straights, with the project not
fully completed. However, calculations on his potential power
outputs indicate that a sudden burst of his equipment could have
produced a massive electrical storm or even EMP. Moreover, others
have pointed out that Tesla published claims of coming up with
some kind of death ray, to make war obsolete, at this time! The
facts seem to fit.
However, those who hold this line of thought, tend to extend the
derranged mad scientist image of Tesla and claim that he lost his
mind a bit and was trying to intimidate the world by his power.
And perhaps force investors to back him in Wardenclyffe! Sorry, I
don't buy that. Weird and eccentric though he may have been, I
fail to find that image of him to hold up!
Instead, I think that the better scenario of what happened was
simply this. Tesla was known to pull tricks and stunts with
electricity to fascinate the public (and draw in dollar investments).
Wardenclyffe was in economic trouble, so he needed money (not politics
nor world conquest). So, I think he hatched a plan to pull off an
eletrical stunt, that would grab the public's attention, and get him
the financing he needed. His plan, I believe was to simply fire off
a flash of light in the polar sky, as Perry was nearing the Pole at
this time. This reported sighting would ride on Perry's achievement
and get Tesla some needed good press. Yep, that sounds like what he
was up to!
However, when he threw the switch to fire the electron burst,
his power ranges were much higher that what he had been normally
working with. As a result, rather than landing the burst on the
North Pole, as he had planned, he scraped the doorway into D'Stronics,
got an added kick from trans-dimensional particle flow, which not
only caused his burst to over shoot the North Pole (ending up in
Tunguska, which is nearly a straight line from Wardenclyffe), and
rather than a simple flash of light, it released these
trans-dimensional energies in the form of a fusion explosion of about
10-15 megatons!
Now, while Tesla was expecting to get some positive attention,
the unexpected blast shook him up! And, rather than announcing it
in public, he began to wonder about just what he may have done--and
discovered. Consequently, his work in zero point energies (claiming
power somehow comes out of a vacuum--but it doesn't, rather it comes
from the trans-dimensional area) took off at a frenzy afterwards,
and he produced a series of over-unity devices, showing that he
had some idea of how to scrape the trans-dimensional doorway with
D'Stronic like processes, to get an added boot in electrical output,
though he did not seem to grasp the dimensional concept of where this
strange added energy came from.
Thus, in this scenario, the Tunguska blast confirms the predictions
of the D'Stronics part of the Trans-Dimensional Particle Theory (or
Well, one of the things about Science that you need to grasp is that
yesterday's theories often go out the window with new discoveries,
today. And so it is with Tunguska. For, someone has just put in our
hands a summary of the eye witness accounts of those who were in
the Tunguska Area at the time of the mysterious blast.
And these turn our past theories up-side-down! For numerious eye
witnesses claim that they saw a burming (and roaring) fireball leading
up to the explosion. Well, doesn't that fit Tesla's fireball or
EMP burst. NO! For, if it had been Tesla's burst, the fireball would
have entered the Tunguska Area from the North, over the Pole, where
Tesla would have shot it to do his publicity stunt with Perry. But,
ALL the eye witnesses confirm that the fireball approached from the
SOUTH! The completely opposite direction. Consequently, it could
not have been Tesla's fireball!
And, even more startling, the eye witnesses say the fireball slowed
down, and began to make a wide arc (as if circling to find a good
landing site), until it had made about half its circle, then stopped
and exploded high in the air!
Thus, from the eye witness accounts, we have direct observation
of what appears to be intelligent, guided flight--thus much more
supporting of the alien spacecraft idea!
Well, after some thought, we have come up with a scenario that does
fit all the facts.
Without question, the evidence seems to confirm that Tesla fired
a fireball at the North Pole in 1908. However, rather than coming
down or exploding where he wanted it, something else occured! And,
it seems to have surprized him, as much as it did everyone else!
Now, from our other Article on the
RANI, we know that one Alien
Group was involved in activities with Earth prior to the 1900s. And,
if Space Diplomacy is anything like Earth Diplomacy (and there is good
reason to believe that it is) then, the competitors of the RANI (and
their migration from Kolob) would have likely sent a survey ship, to
monitor (or spy on) the RANI, to see what they were up to.
Now, from our own spy satellites, we know that the best orbits for
intelligence monitoring are polar orbits. For then, the satellite
covers the whole surface of the Earth, eventually. Thus, it is
quite likely that some intelligence survey spacecraft was in Polar
orbit, checking out the RANI. Probably orbiting from North to South,
over the USA.
Thus, it seems that what really happened was that Tesla sent off
that fireball or EMP burst, which collided with that alien intelligence
survey spacecraft! The resultant blast probably disabled the ship and
they began an emergency descent to Earth. However, if you were used
to our spacecraft being in orbit and then attempting to land, you
know that a high Earth orbit will need a near full circle of the globe
to bring the craft down gently enough to avoid burning up. Thus,
Tesla hit the craft somewhere over Canada, and it began it's descent,
ending up on the other side of the globe in Sibera. Where it attempted
to make an emergency landing--but exploded, instead.
Now, earlier, we had commented that the blast effects were too small
for a D'Stridium style reactor explosion. For, the official
calculation was for a 20 megaton blast. However, eye witnesses
report that the object did NOT impact, but exploded high in the
sky (approximately 5 to 6, perhaps 7 miles high). Now, the radius
of the blast on the ground is going to be smaller from such a high
explosion, meaning that the blast in the air could have been 2 to
3, perhaps 4 times that on the ground. Consequently, the true
blast effects from the spacecraft explosion would be in the range
of 60 to 80 megatons--much closer to the estimated 100 of a D'Stridium
Moreover, as D'Stidium involves fusion processes, the left over
radiation should have been much lower than from a comparable
atomic fission blast. And, this is just what the officials record,
that the radiation ruled out a regular atomic blast, because it was
so low.
Consequently, the full evidence makes it highly likely that we
had a alien spacecraft explode on us in this incident!
Now, the other sinister facts concerning UFOs comes more into focus
with this new knowledge! For, if we do have a downed alien spacecraft
in this incident, is it the only one?
No, rather is seem that ABWEHR (among others) noted this amazing
fact long ago. And as the Article on MAJESTIC seems to suggest,
the Germans copied Tesla's device, used it to shoot down another
alien spacecraft, which appears to have landed in Poland or Eastern
Germany in the 30s, and allowed the Nazis to develop advanced E.T.
Technologies, from the reverse engineering of the craft, and perhaps
the co-operation of Albert Speer (the alien pilot?).
Moreover, it appears that Kolob and its RANI (in connection with
the Axis Powers) pulled that same stunt in Utah, after the War (1948),
bringing down the spacecraft in the Roswell Incident.
Consequently, is there any wonder then, that Kolob and its
Axis Powers Network do not want the Public becoming aware of these
facts. And thus have put together the massive International UFO
Conspiracy, through MAJESTIC, to keep this information all covered up?
Funny how the puzzle seems to come together, once you get all the
pieces of the facts collected!