If you want to add your UFO RELATED website to our links page, feel free to use our on-line form.
The links page can
be viewed by clicking Aliens111 Link Page. If you wish you can also add your
website banner to our banner page.
The guidelines for URL submission to our page are as follows:
1) ONLY UFO related information sites will be accepted.
2) If your site spawns pop-ads (*), or you intend to use them at any time in the future, please do not link from us.
3) Although it is not mandatory on URL placement on our page, a reciprocal link to us would be greatly appreciated.
(* We realize that free hosts use popup adds for promotion. This usually consists of (one) popup. We will allow
this, however, We will not allow popup adds containing sexually orentated material of ANY kind.
We reserve the right to reject a URL
link based on our sole discretion.)
After viewing your website you will be notified of link placement
on our links page via email.

Your full name please:
Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)
Your Website Name:
Your Website address,(URL):