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Bentwaters-Woodbridge RAF Landings |
| Description :
Colonel Charles Halt, RAF BASE Commander Charles Halt, who commanded the base, recalls what he saw that night in December, 1980. This clip is a brief of
the incident itself. A video tape of this
testimony can be found on our
UFO Video Page. Following you will find the complete, full length "live" audio of some of
the events as they happened that night. The file is fairly long, so I
am streaming it into a player for you.
transcript of this tape is available on our website.
Click here to listen >
Click here to view report Page >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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Bentwaters-Woodbridge RAF Landings |
| Description :
Sgt. Jim Penniston, RAF SECURITY Sgt. Jim Penniston was head of the 81st. Security Detail for the twin bases. Hear an account of what he saw that night.
Click here to listen >
Click here to view report Page >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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Bentwaters-Woodbridge RAF Landings |
| Description :
Larry Warren, Working Patrol. Larry Warren was only 19 years old when he experienced the unusual events of the Rendelsham Forest. His
experience has spawned a book, and a segment on "Unsolved Mysteries.
Click here to listen >
Click here to view report Page >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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Pascagoula, Mississippi Abductions |
| Description :
Charles Hickson / Calvin Parker , October, 11, 1973 Hickson and Calvin Parker were both abducted while fishing on the Pascagoula River on October 11, 1973.
The case has become one of the mainstays of UFO abduction. The Pascagoula encounter is one of the most unusual accounts of all UFO reports. Though the sighting and abduction involved
only two witnesses, there were several other sightings of unusual flying objects on the same night. The two men have held to
their story, though no explanation has been offered for the strange events of the night of October, 11, 1973. Hear Hickson in his own words.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek was convinced by the details of the Pascagoula Abduction, and conducted interviews with Hickson.
Hear the interview streamed here.
Click here to listen to Hickson interview >
Click here to listen to Parker interview >
Click here to view report Page >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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Betty and Barney Hill Abduction |
| Description :
Betty and Barney Hill Interview One of the most celebrated cases of UFO abduction was the New Hampshire incident involving the inter-racial couple,
Betty and Barney Hill. Hear Betty discuss UFOs in this radio interview.
Click here to listen >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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Betty and Barney Hill Abduction |
| Description :
Betty Hill Follow-up One of the most celebrated cases of UFO abduction was the New Hampshire incident involving the inter-racial couple,
Betty discusses additional aspects of the UFO phenomena in this taped phone conservation.
Click here to listen >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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United States Astronauts |
| Description :
Lunar Spacecraft One of the most celebrated cases of UFO abduction was the New Hampshire incident involving the inter-racial couple,
While orbiting the moon, Neil Armstrong reports that he has seen something, "you won't believe."
Click here to listen >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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United States Astronauts |
| Description :
Discovery Space Shuttle One of the most celebrated cases of UFO abduction was the New Hampshire incident involving the inter-racial couple,
Aboard the Discovery, a statement is made, " "Houston, This is Discovery......... We still have the alien spacecraft under
Click here to listen >
Date added: 2003-03-02
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