My "good looking" head

At this point, the good news is my brain MRI has confirmed what I suspected all along: my brain is normal and healthy. My neurologist declared the "films" showing a "good looking" head, which is flattering to say the least. But the question about what occurred last January may never be solved at this point. I have been given a tentative bill of health and a wait-and-see diagnosis.
I am back to driving my man around and working in the garden, soaking up all the warm spring sunlight and enjoying its effect on daffodils that seem to have taken forever to bloom. Bruce is digging a trench to lay a new phone wire in the front yard and has made even more progress with cleaning out the container at the back of his property. Each weekend the neighbors either shake their heads with surprise of all the things he pulls out of there or nod their heads in approval of the spring cleaning.
Today Bruce donated some wood he found while doing renovations to the museum next door. They were very pleased to discover the name imprinted on the wood "weiss brothers" are the same land owners who built the brick two story business building on the corner of Vashon Highway and Bank Road. Vashon is infused with history.