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This page is for Rachael - so she can still hang out w/us whenever she wants... and for Jenny - who i've grown up with through the years through our pictures...

* New York City - March 2000
*Natural Helpers - Janurary 2001
*Mexico - March 2001
*Band Banquet - April 28th, 2001
*Drama Banquet - May 12th, 2001
*This-n-that - whenever
*Lake - July 15th, 2001
*Camp - July 16th-20th, 2001
*Christmas Program - December 2001
*Random - August 2001 - January 2002
* Happy Patrol - January 2002
*More Random - Jan - April 2002
*Conference 2002 - February 8th & 9th 2002
*Times w/Rach - February 2002
*Mexico again - March 2002
*Scott and Mike's Bday - April 2002
*Kt's 16th Bday - April 2002
*Drama Banquet - May 18th, 2002