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Times w/rach

Here are some pictures of times hanging out w/rachael and her going away party!

Here is Justin and moi sitting on his truck parked in my driveway..

Here we are again in my room!

Here I am sitting on top of the truck w/4 arms (hehe rach is behind me... ;)

Sometimes things that we do just dont make sense

-sigh- me and my girl... i miss her

Just, me, and Rach - notice my cool *sheek* glasses? Well - i lost them...

Hes attacking her... just and rach

Justin needed somewhere to sit!

Rach had to get him back - shes on top of him and luke

Here luke is on top of rach and me... hehe its funny cause my toes are in this picture :)
miss rachael w/her cake... shes so gorgeous

And here is the whole party gang, its Ben, kari, aj, me, (top) justin, lesley, rachael, aaron, luke, ally and alison. -whew-

rach's boys.... ben, luke, justin, rach

speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil.
Alison justin rachael (what did that come from?)