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I dont know where all these are from, but they ended up here! :)

This is me being sung to! Happy 14th to me!

This is me again blowin' out my candles!!.

This is my DARLING Alisha and me. I love this girl - I trust her with everything. We were at Church Camp 2000 waiting for our Bible study to start and Jason stole the camera and took a shot. I love this picture though...

*Sorry! Tilt your head! I had already uploaded it, and Im lazy and dont want to go change it! hehe I love you! :) *
This is my Katie D. I love her more than anything! We were at SOS (Serving our Savior) for our church, which is when we go out and do community work - we raked leaves at a woman's home. There Katie is being all talented-like and balancing the rake. Ally is the right background -- dont ask - Queen of the Leaves perhaps? ;)

This was before the church's Christmas Program - we had to dress up like we were from the 40's -- oh man.. it was insane. This is me and Tim - who i LOVE a whole bunch :)

This is after the program I posed for a picture with my best friend (who also happens to be my sister, Kim) Wow - do I ever look bad in this picture - but I wanted to show you my beautiful sister :)(hehe I think she was about to blink in this picture!)

This is the last day of school before winter break. Me, My Les-Pez, and Kari all had our hair the same way, because we had nothing better to do - and we did-not-care.
This is just some random picture of me in the house in the game room actullay. That big pile of stuff on the coach are my clothes - not put away yet -- Im so lazy.. hehe.

Ok im sorry -- but isnt this the funniest picture ever? LOL I love ally - she is so crazy..

This is the beautiful ally in the back of my sisters car - is it just me or does she look annoyed?

This is me in *my* car - actullay its Courtney's car, but I want that excat car (Blue ford ranger!) so i took a picture in it :)

Ok so I dont want a firebird, but its Kelly's new pretty car so I had to take a picture in it to - it smelled like new was awesome

This is just me again, being dumb -- keep on..

My friends that sit behind me in drama, i just was like ok guys pose! and i snapped it.. poor emily wasnt ready! lol (R to L its - amy, emily, jessica, hamsa, and rachael)

Its lauren - acting crazy, there isnt much more to say about it.. except she is looking pretty here too, as always..

This is Maddy -- does she look like me? *no* so why is it that no one can call us by the right name? I get called Maddy, she gets called Mandy -- we just turn around to both now :) (Isnt she lovely?)

This is my and Kim! Acting crazy at Midnight last summer (2000) - if you look close and see little red spots on me, I promise I didnt have chicken pox - i had gotten back from camp and had MILLIONS of bug bites.. it was horrible.. I still have a few scars..