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These are from going to the lake with Kari, Clayton and Aj. There arent that many - but here ya go!

The boys were loading the groceries into the truck or boat, one of the two, and we were like - "well, you dont need us" so we ran and got into the truck. And I snapped a picture of us doing nothing! But isnt she beautiful?

This is my favorite picture of Clayton of all time - doesnt he just look so happy?

This is my kari lynn - she was tired and had a headache so she was taking a little rest.
This is Me and her (although you cant really see us) tubing - I nearly broke my leg whenever we were doing this one time - but it was all good. The next day we were SO sore - we could barely move. It took us half the day just to be able to get out of bed.

Here is me - in my trusty lifejacket. There isnt really much else to say - so keep looking!

After the lake we went to Kari's and laid around for a bit. Heres clayton and kari looking cute (and sunburned!)