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Drama Banquet 2002

I counted down days to this event for like - 3 months... and i cant believe it all happend so quickly. But here are my pictures, some are good, some are inbetween.. there a few shaky ones ;) But ah well -- good times at banquets (as a sophomore when you understand things that go on...) - I apoligize for the size of them - the camera was on some funky setting, and then i couldnt edit them w/the scanner and stuff.. lol... messy times...

Here me and scott are at Lesley's house. Pez lives insanely close to Sam's house (where we met) and Pez had band banquet this night, so i wanted to stop by and say hi - but i just missed her so instead i hung out w/her mom and her mom had us take a picture in front of the "picture place where everyone takes a picture" in her backyard :)

Here is moi and Lesley's Mom -- Aunt Tracey ( i dunno how she spells it..) i love that woman.

Mike, Sam, Me and Scott -- posing for pictures

My dad took this picture when we were all laughing and he said "Im trying to get them a little more natural and not looking so posed.." and i was a little worried, but it came out pretty well..

its sam and me!

Mike and Scott -- they WERE doing model poses (mike is sort of still in his) but then scott stopped and was talking by the time the picture was taken, but thats ok.. cause he still looks good :)

I MAY be laughing at Scott in this picture, but im not for sure -- its funny though.

Here is miss heather and me tango-ing ;) i love her (does anyone else SEE the tanline on my shoulder? lol)

Alison looked SOOOO good at banquet - here we are, with she in her belle dress

Ok, so I had to cut off the bottom of this picture because me and ally hate this picture -- WHAT are we doing? We dont even know, we are standing this crazy way, and I dont know... admire ally though - she looks awesome.

Me and my boys -- we are in a triangular relationship :)

They look way happier to be w/each other than me... *tear* ;)

KTD and alison spoon dancing... gotta love it

Ally is giving Jacob the weirdest look in this picture.. i love it...

OH!! The *fan* pictures, i love these. This one ally wanted to take a picture of us - and i put the fan in front of his face... but he moved

And here I was like "how cute would it be to get a picture of us behind the fan!" but he wouldnt cooperate

Here is where he did! I think its cute anyway :)

Heather and KT spoon dancing again...

Jacob and Scott -- dancing -- together... oh my

The girls can-caning... Ally, Christa, KT, Alison and Kari

WHAT is jacob doing in this picture? The boy scares me.. he does... but i love him just the same

All together :) (You guys DO know im just kidding about the triangular relationship thing... lol... its a joke...)

*happy sigh* there isnt much to say about this picture... -- A big thank you to Ally photography ;)