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Scott and Mike's 15th B-day

I dont look too hot in this picture - but here is the front of the shirt we made for them..
And the back - i know you cant really read it - my reasons are: 1. I'm a horrible gift-giver - 2.Even if I thought of it, I couldnt afford it. - 3.At least this way we dont match (me and him have a habit of wearing the same shirt sometimes...) - 4.I'll need something to wear in Montana (God-willing) - 5. Same and I like to match - 6. One day we'll look back at this and laugh - 7. I havent dont laundry in awhile and I needed something to wear - 8. Maybe it'll make him smile and I love his big goofy-grin :) - 9. Maybe Tyler will get a kick out of it, and I'll do anything for Tyler (tyler is his little brother who i *love*) - 10. I'm working on being the supportive girlfriend - 11. If I wear it to a baseball game, everyone will know who i'm with (I *heart* catchers) [Scott plays baseball and is a catcher... ] - 12. It was my most creative idea in a L-O-N-G time - 13. Maybe this will make him love me more than he loves Jacob [We have a triangular relationship ;) - 14. Me encantaria robar su corazon - 15. Just because I love him! -- I would tell you sam's reasons but i forgot them! :)

Here just cute little sam is in my room! :)