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Random between August 2001 - January 2002

That title is extremly self-explanatory.

This is me and clayton in a costume shop dressed up as cats. Thats was pretty cool, the picture came out fuzzy though.

This is Lesley and Me after watching Halloween, it was incredibly scary. NOtice my semi-tan i still have from summer.

This is Scott and me before his homecoming in September, this year was SO much fun, you can see the clock in this picture, and i was supposed to be ready and gone at 4:30.. sigh.. well.. i wasnt hehe. (i cant believe he got me such a HUGE mum... im very glad i was wearing a heavy shirt..)

Here is Katie and Me very close to Christmas break in Doc's room. Isnt she beautiful?

The best man ever - my Chemistry teacher we all just called Doc. That's Ally, HIllary and Me around him. With my duck - we had a lab in which we were supposed to make molecular something or others out of those little balls and sticks, and i didnt know what i was doing so I made a duck -hehe- he loved us.

I love this picture. This is Lauren, Ashley, Me, Alyssa and Kendra at Laser Quest for a 9th and 10th grade social. I love these girls so much.

This sign is in someones yard that me and rachael pass every single day on the way home from school, we have no idea what it means, so we stopped to take a picture of it. It makes no sense!