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Happy Patrol

Me and my friend Rachael got all dressed up and went to some of my friends houses w/balloons and notes and called ourselves the Happy Patrol. "Spreading joy throughout the land" - we were really bored. lol.

This is me, alison and Rachael!

This is my friend Cody, we actullay did the happy patrol to his brother Justin, but i love cody and wanted a picture w/him.

This is Justin (Cody's brother) w/the Happy Patrol. Ally says this picture makes it look like hes our dad.

And Katie w/us - I think we scared her a little.

He's Scott w/us. Have you noticed how he NEVER smiles w/his mouth open in pictures? I asked him about it one time and he knows that he does that.

Us w/Lesley. She has really cute clothes.

This is Rachael -lol- being a "rabid bunny" LOL it was SO funny. hehe.

Here is just Rachael and Me. I love her so much!!! :)