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Natural Helpers

Natural Helpers is a club on my HS campus that you have to get picked to be in! You go on a weekend retreat and learn about ways of listenning and helping people with problems and such - I dont have many pictures because my camera battery died (*tear* - i have to put tear, cause christa thought i had a dirty mouth... sigh... hehe-) But here are a few I do have...

My beautiful Kim (not my sis), and Neely who I adore and me. We were doing the charlie angel's thing - only I was confused and didnt know what to do (as you can tell by the way my hands are compared to theirs...) *The love of my life -one of them anyway- is behind us in this picture!!! :) :) :)*

This is Luke sitting on a couch on our floor in the hotel. This picture came out SO WELL! He's such a sweetie...