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Mission Trip 2002!!!!

Back to Mexico we go!!! *YeAh!* -- these pictures are probably not in order of when stuff happend.. cause they got all mixed up! -- (the pictures get bigger because some I got off the internet that the church took... )

Here is alison, me and Jessi on a bench in a garden in the middle of our crazy hotel!

Here is Jecob and Scott, my boyfriends ;) we have a triangular relationship lol.. oh my... its complicated..

on top - ashley, scott, megan, lauren, next row - greg, laurie, alyssa and alyssa, next row - kyle, adam, jessi, ally, carrie, jamie, and bottom - alison, kendra and becca.

lol - Abel (Jacob's kid) his zipper broke, and so jacob was trying to fix it and it looked funny so i took a picture and jacobs like "NO! Dont take a picture of that!" that is what is going on in this picture

This is me and elton, he was there last year - and he called me his girlfriend and that he loved me and he kissed and me and it was so cute... half the time he was like that and then the other times he would mess w/me and run away from me and all this stuff..

Me and Yolanda - my girl - she got SO jealous if I went and played w/another kid..

Elton, moi and Yolanda - thats who I hung out w/most

This is elton... being elton...

Elton wrote "Mandy (thats what Mendi is) and Elton are friends" in spanish and it was so sweet...

This is Scott and Philipe - his kid... that kid was insane lol

Jacob and Abel - i love this picture

I love THIS picture -- Jacob and Abel again

Scott and Elton - my OTHER boyfriend in mexico lol oh my

Me and Abel

Me and Olga

Taking a lunch break -- Kyle, Ally, Jessi, Scott and Alison

Elton :)

Alison and Me w/ 2 girls (i'm holding Olga)

Me and Yolanda again

Jacob and Jessi -- I love them both

Me tickling Elton cause he wouldnt smile

Scott and me were having a staring contest in the marketplace of Mexico lol and ally and some other people were around.. and out of nowhere ally takes a picture of us and is like 'it'll be cute' - and so yea.. i won.

This is Matt Pitts... wanting to know if my camera bag looked good on him *roll eyes* ;)

Alison in the yellow hat, Jessi, Me, Scott and Ally around the table at the REALY MEXICAN RESTUARANT!!! (I sat in the EXCAT same chair i did last year :) )

One of the nights, Sam fell asleep w/his head phones on and door got locked by accident - like the thing that you flip over, so they could open the door a little... anyway - so his room mates got locked out - and so a BUNCH of people were up at like 3 am (we were because they were our neighbors) and we had to call their room, and they were yelling into his room, and then shooting rubber bands and throwing pencils trying to wake him up LOL it was priceless.. way funny times on mission trip...

Kyle was taking pictures of just *Random* stuff out the windows of the van - like "A real mexican stop sign" "a real mexican light pole" and so i was like "hey! A real mexican!" and I took a picture..

This is me sweeping water after the MASSIVE water fight that took place... however, this is ally's camera - and she is IN this picture and we have NO IDEA who took this picture -- my pants are soaked because scott took a bottle of water and poured it down my pants... they were SOAKED and i was wearing white...

This is Yonita (sp?), me, Jacob and two other girls after the water fight -- I love this picture...

This is where I have taken pictures from the internet....

Here is Adam with a kid!

During the week the orphange gives food to another poor part of time, they bag beans and rice and feed families.. this is adam and moi

Here scott and ally are baggin' beans!

This is everyone who went in our shirts outside the restuarant

Ally and her little girl she fell in love with - Jacelin

This is andrew, michael, and jd (youth minister) at Golden Coral the first night...
Here emily, broke, matt and bryan singing w/construction..

We played this HYSTERICAL game in spanish where I think we had to be a penguin or something, i dont know, i dont speak spanish - i'm not sure.. but it was way funny and we all made fools of ourselves hehe

Here is Kendra, Alyssa, Megan and some kids they hung out with

sweet lauren feeding her baby..

This was during the pinata party thing - and I guess Alan just snapped a picture of me... craziness (the heart on my shoulder is from Elton and his permanant marker..) Guys - dont part your hair and live it like that in mexico - it'll BURN BURN BURN and then peel and look crazy lol

Me catching some Zzz's w/saline (ally claims all i did in mexico was sleep...)

Michal and her kid

Breaking the pinata!

Guys w/kids -- its an awesome thing to witness

My table at golden coral - Nathan at the end, Kyle, Jessi, Jacob and Scott, and then back by Nathan in pink w/her back to the camera is Kelly, Alison, Ally and moi! ;)

This is my favorite picture... Scott and his kid -