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Christmas Program 2001

Each year our church choir puts on a choir program, and these are just some pictures I took from it. I dont have very many because i look very bad in most the ones I have.

Arg - this is sort of small, but here is a whole bunch of my friends. There is Brandon, Maddy, Alyssa,Me, Madison, Scott, Sam, Ashley and Brent. -whew-

I've been waiting for this picture for about 2 years now, hehe, me and lauren used to have the biggest crush on him. He used tohave these gorgeous blue eyes, so that was our code name for him "Blue eyes" - but now his eyes turned green. -sigh- what was he thinking?

This is Sam and me. I love this girl to death, and i like her curly hair too lol.

I havent decided if I like this picture or not, but here we are. You can see how much taller he is than me in this picture... its crazy. That sweater really isnt very flattering. sigh.. which is why i dont owned ribbed turtlenecks.