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The first week of spring break (March 19-24) my church youth group had the most amazing opportunity to go to Casa Hogar Elim Orphanage in Mexico and do some mission work. They built beds and painted and fixed sinks, while I played with children because 1) I cant do any of the stuff and 2) I couldnt pull myself away. We stayed in Laredo Texas (An 8 hour drive) on the border and crossed every day *scary* - But it was the best week of my life.

thats maddy, me and lauren in our conference room at the hotel (we met every morning for a devotional and each night for some awesome Praise and Worship time). its not a wonderful picture of me - but I love my mexico amigas. We roomed together and got pretty close.

This is Maddy and Lauren at Taco Palenque - it is the BEST mexican food place ever - i had never had mexican food before and I was going to mexico - I almost cried because i had NO IDEA what the stuff on the menu was - but I absolutely love the food now, I wanted to go every night :) (btw - I love laurens face in this one hehe)

This is me and my lovely Corinna - I dont know if that is how you spell her name, but she is beautiful! We made up a little hand game since we couldnt talk to each other (I dont know spanish, she doesnt know english)

the youth in this picture is Lauren, Me, JD (youth pastor), Karen and Jacqulen - we are sitting in the shade - the little there is there.

This is me and my precious "Antonio" - that isnt his real name, you pronounce his real name R-lay-lou - but for the longest time I thought he was telling me Antonio, and since i could say that - thats what I called him. He was my kissing baby. He always gave me kisses - it was so sweet. During the nights when we would go back to the hotel - my heart literally ached for this child.

Me and my baby again - it was SO bright - and I didnt have a hat or sunglasses ("Antonio has a guy Josh's on). I could not see a thing...

This is Luke (youth) and Elton - Elton was so cute - he know a little english but he would deny it - we would say "Elton, do you know english" and he would say "No! I mean.. NO comprehenda" he was adorable!

Thats me and elton - he is SO cute... one of my many favorites there - the white on my cheek would be because MADDY got paint and put it on my cheek - it later turned out to be like paint thinner or some kind of strange thing like that ... it took SO LONG to get it off.. I had to rub my cheeks forever.

This is me and Neely (she is sunburned from the Band ski trip that she just got back from) we noticed that we had the same pillow cases in different colors and got really excited and took a picture - notice my cat pajama bottoms? I love them (im wearin' them now!:) )
This was a parade on the streets of Mexico - the children were dressed up in costumes.. they were SO adorable!

Me and David - the bracelet on my hand (the green thing) he gave to me - it was so sweet. He was so cute... he would just come up to you and give you the biggest hug... *sigh* I miss that place..

THIS KID WAS SO CUTE! I didnt ever talk to him, but while "Antonio" was asleep on me, this little boy was just sitting there, kinda pouting and I had to take a picture!

This is maddy, lauren and me being adventours at Golden Corral (I love that place!) eating Popcorn shrimp!!! It was interesting--but SO GOOD! :)

LOL If any of ya'll know JD then this was insane! Him doing that whole little "3 Amigo's" thing -- btw - that hat.. was totally him - lol-

This is Neely - not gettin' up in the morning - hehe - shes so cute!

This is the middle school guy - even though middle schoolers didnt go - he did! And he was wearing that hat and I was like "Hey Scott - you kinda look like a cowboy - mind if i take a picture?" lol - its one of my favs!

Kelli and Maddy at breakfast in the lobby -- my two beautiful friends...

Kelli and me in my HUGE sweatshirt -- we were SO tired - its like 6:45 am in this picture.. we were about to go home *tear*

my sweet Maddy in Andrew's cowboy hat - this is in a frame in my room - i love it (Andrew is asleep in her lap.. )

Back at the church - it was SO cold (for Texas anyway) so me and Lauren wrapped up in my NEW Mexico blanket after the long ride waiting to be taken home.. later Maddy joined us...