Yeah, okay, so we haven't updated in a few...months...but I swear, no, I guaran-damn-tee that it won't be much longer! I sort of am not on-line currently, but I SHOULD be in the next month or two. When that happens, we will update! I had to go to someone else's house just to put this in...and they're sorta standing over my shoulder right now....not exactly the best position for writing, y'know?

No, this is not humor about a multiple partner sexual encounter, this is humor about the goth/industrial band "Orgy"!! (Blue Monday, Stitches, the albulm "Candyass" ring a bell?) We have a few things here, but if you really want to have a ball, we suggest you go to the page where we got this idea from!! To get there, just check the links page. First check our pages though, 'cause we have some very unique things, to say the least. In other words, we have a couple of things that are a bit humorous, we think, and they could only come from twisted brains like ours. Got a request? Send 'em! They are:

How Orgy Got Their Name (our version)

The Ryan Shuck Drool Picture

Mental Picture (changes often)

What Crow Has Learned About Orgy

Little Known Orgy Tid Bits

Interview With Orgy!

Typical Things To Expect When Throwing A Party With Orgy

A Roadie's Story - Jay Gordon's Lucky Charms

Bobby's Song

Pajama Party With Orgy

Bad Love Spells

Ryan Shuck vs. Bill Clinton (Alcohol vs. Sex)

The Sad, Sad Story That Is Us... (About the makers of this page)

Thanksgiving With Orgy (see what the guys were thankful for this last year)


Orgy on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (Ryan)

Orgy on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" (Bobby)

Jay Visits The Wal-Mart Supercenter

Feelin' Link-y? (link to us)

Coming Soon!!! (As soon as we get the chance to add them, that is!)

The rest of Orgy on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"!!! ("is that your final answer?" "hell naw!!! lemme guess some mo'!!!"), and by special request, Rainbow Socks.

What you thought we left? Hell no!! Coming back big time soon, bay-bay!!! You just wait!! Wonder where been? Uh, let's just say...SHIT-NOT...uh, we're lookin' ta get our asses kicked, so working on Slipknot equivalent to this page here...hee hee hee....

Until then, perhaps this little song will tide you over.

"Orgy's Twelve Days of Christmas"

On the twelth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, twelve things of urban decay, eleven bars to drink in, ten prostitutes, nine bottles of ginsana, eight surfboards, seven new Orgy albulms, six pairs of shades, five porno movies, four kegs of beer, three Rough Cutt albulms, two tongue baths, and I really have to pee!!!

There have been

lost souls here.

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