Because at least two-thirds of my use of the Internet has been devoted to fan fiction, and if you consider I started reading and writing fanfic back in the early eighties before there even was an Internet, I have read a lot of it by now and I think it's enriched my life immeasurably. Because I have--as we all do--very specific tastes, and a huge collection of bookmarks, and when I read other rec sites I'm always like, 'wow, this person seems to like a lot of the same stories I did, but I wonder if she's ever read this or that, I should really email her', but I almost never get around to it. Same with feedback, probably because once I start analyzing something, I'm too lazy to work at giving concise comments so it invariably turns into a 3-5 page essay and I just don’t have the time or energy to do that very often either. Because it takes me literally years to finish a story of my own, and in the meantime I'd like to give something back to the community that I spend so much time lurking in. Because I want to share the joy, damn it.

A lot, if not all, of the recommendations here are hopefully classics in their various fandoms. You may have read many of them already, which is frustrating when you’re looking for something new, but one of the criteria I used for selection on this page was that I had to love a piece enough to have printed out a hard copy (with a few exceptions--like, say, the 975K "Oklahoma", or whatever I just haven’t gotten around to yet). If you’re looking for more, each of the fandom pages will have additional links to sites with plenty more stuff worth reading. And with that...

Finally, the recs.

but first, a note about SLASH:

Slash is a term used to describe stories that contain descriptions of sexual and romantic activity and relationships between members of the same sex. I am not exclusively interested in slash, but almost all of the fiction I like contains adult content, and whether they're slash or not, I've always been drawn to things that fall into the category of unconventional relationships (a much, much better term to my mind, and much vaguer, which I see as a good thing because it leaves room for the complexity that categorizes the full range of human interaction). Or in other words: I live an NC-17 life. I like NC-17 stuff.

choose your poison

Slayers in love (Buffy the Vampire Slayer....
.... & Angel: the Series)
FBI agents in love (X-Files)
Immortals in love (Highlander)
Mutants in love (X-Men)
Jedi in love (Star Wars)
Aliens in love (Roswell)
Wizards in love (Harry Potter)
Timelords in love (Dr. Who)
Vampires in love (Forever Knight)
Pretenders in love (Pretender)
X-5's in love (Dark Angel)
Vulcans in love (Star Trek)
Mounties in love (Due South)
Rebels in love (Blake's 7)
Peacekeepers in love (Farscape)
Co-anchors in love (Sports Night)
Archaeologists in love (Stargate: SG-1)
Anthropologists in love (Sentinel)
Spies in love (Alias)
Demigods in love (Hercules: the Legendary Journeys)
Farmboys in love (Smallville)
Random love (miscellaneous)
We all fall in love sometimes (crossovers)


talent lust


my latest crush
this year's prom theme