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 | Ultimate Alternative Wavers: Swell and Sparklehorse Between them, Swell and Sparklehorse hold the future of US lo-fi in their pretty l'il paws. But what are the latest releases from two of music's best kept secrets like? Check out the reviews here, along with efforts from Stephen Malkmus, My Vitrol, Amen, Offspring, Smog, Fungus and more... go to album reviews... |  |
This song isn't a-paulin... Tompaulin are flavour of the month here at Roofdog; also check out reviews of new singles from Kournakova, Seafood, Proud Mary and more, all waiting for a rating or a slating. Fancy reviewing some singles for us? Then mail us on the address below... go to singles reviews... |

 | NEW! 98.. 99.. Hundred Reasons to read this interview.. Hundred Reasons (left) are about to release their debut album Ideas Above Our Station to an eager public, and they're gigging like it's going out of fashion. Roofdog caught up with them on the tourbus a few weeks ago; check out the interview here. And why not check out some of our other interviews whilst you're here? We'd be liars if we said they didn't rock... |
also featured: Sparklehorse | Phoenix | Reef | Toploader | Llama Farmers | Terrorvision | 12RODS Simon Pegg (spaced) | Idlewild | Fungus | Broadcast | Bellatrix | Coldplay | Ben Folds Five go to interviews...
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