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Game Guides
Cliff Hanger
Crossword Puzzles
Faerie Caves Answers
Kiko Match
Lenny Trivia
Poogle Solitaire
Space Faerie Puzzle
Techo Says
Treasure Hunt
Bullseye (and super)
Haunted House
Ice Cream Factory
Techo Safari
Grundo's Gym
Grundo Snow Throw
Meerca Chase
Pter Attack
Luck and Chance:
Fruit Machine Prizes
Scarab 21 Bonus Moves
Scorchy Slots
Switch A Roo

General NeoPets Info:
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Bumper Cars (1)
Bumper Cars (2)
Chomby and the Fungus Balls
GO GO GO!!! (1)
GO GO GO!!! (2)
Grundo Snow Throw
Ice Cream Factory
Kiko Match
Meerca Chase (1)
Meerca Chase (2)
Nimmo's Pond (1)
Nimmo's Pond (2)
Scarab 21
Scratch cards
Swarm (1)
Swarm (2)
Treasure Hunt

News Ticker: news

We have a new contest! It's called NeaQuest click now to play! • New Record set on September 8th with 37,468 hits!!! • NeaPets newsletter will be started up very soon! • First Fake Random Event is up! Click here now

How To Play

1. You will be given clues that you must decipher. The clues are describing the page that you need to find to advance to the next level of the Treasure Hunt.

2. All of the pages you will need to find are located on the Neopets site, but you must find them in the correct order. Decipher the clues, and you will then know what page to go to next.

3. As you get closer to completing the Treasure Hunt, the clues will be scrambled, making it more difficult to decipher.

4. Once you have completed the Treasure Hunt, you will be rewarded with a Special Item.

5. You are welcome to go on multiple Treasure Hunt Quests, but you must wait for at least two hours from your last win before beginning the new hunt.

NOTE: Sometimes you may "overlook" the clue when you first go to the page. If you think you have the right page and the clue is not showing up, maybe try going back to the page again. It may just appear!

Note 2: Sometimes you have to refresh at the page before it counts it as correct.

To make this game a little easier use these answers below.

Good luck. CLICK HERE to play the game

After these messages we'll be right back : Current Sponsor
A way to share your web site with others that have common interests : NeoCircles

Benjamin the chia may know where your next clue is : Island Arena
Best roller coasters in Neopia : Theme Park
Bid your way to the item you desire : Auctions

Cartoons are awesome and cartoon games are even better : Cartoon Theatre
Cool deals and cool offers plus 500np just for you : Cool Offers

Do a good job and the faeries will surely bless your pet : Uber Faerie Quests
Does your pet have enough skills to survive battledome :
Training School

Earn rewards the easy way with the help of the neopet buttons and neobadges : Link to Us

Find the island mystic you must : Island Mystic Hut
For a game that is just out of this world : Gormball

Giant monsters duke it out and neopia hangs in the balance : Chiazilla versus Mechazilla

Have you adopted one of these slave pets yet : Space Adoption Agency
How much information can you digest during your battle with these intelligent robots : Robot Challenge

It is always better to give than receive :
Money Tree

Let everyone know just how much of a star your pet is : Pet Spotlight

Make a wish and it just might be granted : Wishing Well

Nigel is the king when it comes to buying and selling : Stock Market

Poogles are definitely the center of attention in this game : Poogle Solitaire

Save the Tuskinniny by quickly solving the puzzle : Cliff Hanger
Should you bring an umbrella today or will it be bright and sunny in Neopia : Weather in Neopia

Tell everyone what a star your pet is : pet spotlight
Tell your friends about the coolest site on earth : Send a Pet
Test your memory skills in this game of concentration and speed : Kiko Match
Test your Neopet knowledge and win yourself some quick np : Lenny Trivia
These cards will not help you with your poker hand but you will definatly want to collect them all: Trading Cards (Games)
The game for you is brought by King Roo : Dice-A-Roo
Treat your pet to a five star stay when you go on vacation : Neolodge

What are these neopoints and what can they do for me : Neopoints
Winning loads of np can be as simple as choosing some numbers and buying a ticket : Lottery

You should always have np stashed away for a rainy day : Bank
You would be wise to run the other way if you encounter one of these creatures : Gallery of Evil

- Pink Poogle Toy

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Making a successful guilds, shop and/or contest
Stock Market Tip
Grundo's Gym
Battledome Abilities
Turn 50 NP into 5,000+ NP!
Make 30,000 NP per faerie!
Snow Faerie - Best of all quests + info on the Light and Darkness Faeries

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Site of the Whenever

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