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We have a new contest! It's called NeaQuest click now to play! • New Record set on September 8th with 37,468 hits!!! • NeaPets newsletter will be started up very soon! • First Fake Random Event is up! Click here now

Information from site:

Faerie Caves - now 12 super-hard levels in total!

Garon, having successfully escaped from the treacherous Ice Caves, travelled throughout the land looking for new adventures. Being a cunning and inventive Lupe he found it difficult to find any adventures that were as challenging as he desired.

Finally, Garon approached the Faerie Queen herself and challenged her to provide him with an adventure that he could not complete. The Faerie Queen gathered the smartest faeries in all Neopia together and with them created the Faerie Caves. Garon was transported to the central chamber of the maze where he found six teleporters which would take him to different levels of the maze.

A different type of faerie, Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Light, and Water created each level of the maze. Special challenges await Garon on each of these levels. What happens at the end? Only the Faerie Queen knows what fate awaits Garon.

There are Two Games to play in total. The first is Faerie Caves which represents the first six levels. If you feel like more of a challenge, then try out Uber Faerie Caves which is the next stage in Garons Quest!


Game Guide:

Light | Dark | Fire | Water | Air | Earth


1 down
1 up
2 right
3 down
2 right
3 down
1 left
1 down
1 left
1 down
4 right (careful don't trigger the wall underneath the bomb)
4 up (quickly)
2 right
1 down
1 right
5 up
5 right
2 down
1 left
6 down
2 left
2 down
2 left
2 up
2 left
2 down
7 left
4 up (careful don't trigger the wall underneath the bomb)
1 down (careful don't press down hard or will be blocked)
2 up
2 right


10 right (place the dark ball over the yellow balloon)
9 left
1 down
1 left
8 down
2 right
1 up
2 right
2 up
8 right (quickly)
1 left
3 up
1 right
1 left
3 down
4 right
3 down
3 up
3 left
2 down
2 left
5 up
1 right
1 left
5 down
2 right
2 up
5 right
4 up
2 down (quickly)
2 up
2 right (push balloon into pad)
2 down
3 right
2 down
2 up
2 left
2 down
2 up
2 right
3 up (if brave try for all three stones, you can go to the top and go left or right and the dark ball will fall through you)
8 down
1 left
1 down
2 right
1 up
2 left
1 down


11 down
2 right
2 left
3 up
10 right
3 up
3 right
1 down
1 right
2 down
11 left
7 right
3 up
3 right
1 down
1 right
2 down
6 left
2 right
3 up
8 left
2 up
6 right
2 left
3 down
1 up (quickly)
7 right (quickly)
3 down
5 left
3 down
4 left
1 right
4 left
7 right
3 up
2 right
3 up
4 left
3 down
5 left
5 right
3 up
4 right
3 down
9 left
9 right
3 up
1 right
2 up
5 left
2 down
4 right
3 down
9 right (you should now have all 4 balls lined up on the gate pad)
5 right
5 up
4 left
2 up
12 right
12 left
2 down
9 right
2 down
1 left
3 down
4 left quickly
1 down (for the balloon to pass through you face right or left)
2 down
1 left (don't need the extra torch)
1 right
5 up
1 left
2 up
6 left
4 right
2 up
11 left
2 up
3 right (balloon should now be placed over gate pad)
1 left
4 down
1 right
1 down
1 right
1 up
2 right
2 up
8 right


1 right
1 left
press T
2 left (quickly)
5 down
2 right
2 down
press T
1 up (quickly)
4 right
2 down
1 right
2 up
1 left
1 up
4 left
1 up
2 left
5 up
2 right
2 down
5 right
1 left
2 up
press T
3 down (quickly)
3 up
3 right
6 down
1 left
1 right
4 down
5 left
4 up
2 left
1 up
2 left
5 up
2 right
2 down
3 right
2 up
3 right
1 down
1 right
9 down
5 left
4 right
6 left
2 down
2 left
1 down
2 right (press against wall, balloon will float through you)
1 down
8 right
6 up
3 left
2 up
4 left
2 up
2 left
5 down
2 right
1 down
7 right
3 up (to push the balloon up onto pad, you should now have three balloons lined up)
8 left
1 up
3 left
1 down
3 left
3 up
1 right
2 down
2 up
2 right
2 up
face left or right (so the ball can pass through you)
3 up
1 left
1 right
2 down
2 left
4 up
3 right


4 right
1 down
(quickly 1 up and 1 left)
1 right
1 up
(quickly 3 down and 4 left)
3 down
1 up
1 left
2 up (quickly)
2 down
2 right
1 down
3 right
1 up
1 left
1 right
1 up
2 left
6 up (quickly)
2 down
2 right
3 up
3 down
2 left
2 down
10 left
1 up
(quickly 2 down and 1 left)
10 right (ball should be on pad)
9 left
2 up
2 right (quickly)
1 up
1 left
1 right
1 up
2 right
2 down
2 up
1 left
1 up
3 left
3 right (quickly)
3 left
1 down
2 left
1 up
3 down
2 right
3 down (face right or left so the bubble will pass through you)
1 down
2 left
2 right (quickly)
2 left
3 down
1 right
1 left (quickly)
6 right
3 up
1 left
3 down
5 left
3 up
2 right
2 up
5 right
1 up


3 right
2 down
press P
3 right
2 down
2 left
2 right
2 up
3 left
1 right (quickly)
5 left
1 down
4 left
3 right
1 down (quickly)
1 up
1 right
6 left (push balloon to top)
6 right
1 up
2 right
2 down
2 up
2 left
1 down
1 left
3 down
1 up (quickly)
2 down (face right or left let balloon pass through you)
3 down
4 up
6 right
1 down (quickly)
1 up
1 left
1 right
1 down
2 right
5 up
7 left
1 down
6 left (push second balloon up to the top)
5 right
3 down
5 right
1 down
1 right
1 up
5 left (push balloon)
5 right
1 down
2 right
2 down
1 left
1 down
4 left
1 up
1 down
5 right
8 up
7 left
1 down
6 left (push third balloon to top)
6 right
1 up
7 right
5 down
3 left
1 up
4 left (push balloon)
2 right
4 up
2 left
1 down
6 left (push 4th balloon onto gate pad)
2 down
1 left
1 right
2 up
2 right
4 down
1 left
1 down
2 left
2 down
2 up
2 right
1 up
1 right
4 up
4 right (quickly)
1 left
6 down
3 left (quickly)
1 right
1 up
2 down
2 left
2 right
2 up
2 right
5 up
3 left
4 down
1 left
1 down
2 left
1 up

That is currently all I know of at the moment, if you know the names and any more, please feel free to contact also, if there is a problem with it please e-mail the correction to me. Thanks.


Images and NeoPets site information from
The guide was written by
And all of the answers above were either sent in to me or used WITH permission from

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