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We have a new contest! It's called NeaQuest click now to play! • New Record set on September 8th with 37,468 hits!!! • NeaPets newsletter will be started up very soon! • First Fake Random Event is up! Click here now

The Snow Faerie-The Best Quests ...

The Snow Faerie.The first thing that comes to mind may be a faerie that lives or dwells in a snowy place, or maybe a faerie that enjoys the snow, or maybe even a faerie that uses snow to make magic.Well,if you thought the first one you are right. The Snow Faerie lives alone on top of Terror Mountain, always awaiting a visitor. When she does get one, she always asks if you will venture out into the cold for her to get spell reagents that are used for her many different spells. Sometimes she gives you expensive, hard to find reagents. Yet sometimes she gives you cheap, easy to find reagents.

This is the best part ...

This is the best part about the Snow Faerie!If you come back to her humble home before you get her reagents will generously offer you chia cookies, or tell you other things. If you decide to get her spell reagents rewards you generously with np(usually 3 to 5 hundred) a magical snowball, and an item(Usually the item is worth at least 300 np, although I have received a reward worth as much as 1500 np!) I usually only do a Snow Faerie quest if it costs no more than 800 np. She has been wanting a lot of motes lately, don't even try those. The cost of the reward will not be as much as you paid for the mote. The Snow Faerie also likes chia pops.Chia pops can be found at the Snow Shop (right near the Snow Faerie's home on Terror Mountain)for affordable prices.All the other quests in Neopia usually require items that cost thousands,yet the Snow Faerie is not greedy and gives good rewards for easy quests. Easy and cheap quests = great rewards at the Snow Faerie's humble home. Why don't YOU give her a visit some time??


Light Faeries-

Light Faeries spend most of their days in the cloud realms of Neopia and are rarely seen in Neopia. They are pure of heart and devoted to the cause of good. If a creature is noble and bold of heart, these magical spirits can grant him or her holy powers such as bless and restore.

There are just 33,000 Light Faeries in Neopia,yet they are all always busy granting neopets holy powers.The light faerie is older than you can imagine,but still looks very young.

A good story about the Light Faerie is the one about Marque and his friend Luna.Marque the lupe was traveling through the woods when Luna became tired and wanted to stop.Marque heard a small voice below him and began to paw at the ground.He hit something solid with his foot and then picked it up.Marque opened the jar and out came a light faerie!The light faerie was so happy that she granted Marque and Luna with the the special power of BLESS. With that the faerie disappeared leaving Luna and Marque confused and excited.


Darkness Faerie

The Darkness Faerie is older than you can imagine.There are 25,000 in Neopia.They like to make sure that the Light Faerie have plenty to keep themselves occupied!

The Darkness Faeries are minions of the evil one himself. They lay in wait to tempt those weak of heart. The power granted by these evil imps is great, but its comes at a price. Once you have been blessed by a Dark Faerie you are forever tainted. These evil Faeries' abilities include creating darkness, draining life and night vision.

A good story about the Darkness Faerie is this one: A young Chia was sobbing softly in a clearing, 'What's wrong my child?' asked a beautiful tall figure. Without looking up Cheebi blurted out everything that had happened that day. It had been his first day at school, a pack of older Kougras had teased him, pushed him, stolen his lunch and trodden all his books into the mud. 'I can help you little man.... but I have a price, are you interested?' Cheebi wiped the tears from his puffy red eyes and hoarsly whipsered 'y...y..yes..' 'I can make you stronger than those bullies and give your powers you have only dreamed of, but you must promise to help me whenever I ask, no matter what it is. Do you agree?' Cheebi looked up, a small smile forming on his lips. She seems like a kind lady the little Chia thought, I'ld love to help her. 'Yes please, yes, make me big and strong so I can teach those Kougras a lesson!'. With that the tall figure began chanting some strange words and waving her arms. Cheebi felt his body tingling. He did feel stronger, and much braver. Cheebi chuckled to himself. 'He he hee... those bullies will never know what hit them'.


Written by - Noel (NeoName: Alyssae0)

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