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Information from site:

The Snowager

A gust of cold wind assaults you as you enter this vast ice cavern. In the center you see a massive pile of treasure... thousands, possibly millions of rare Neopian items, the biggest hoard you have ever seen.

On top of the pile of treasure you see a massive worm made out of ice. This must be none other than the Snowager! You have heard legends about this beast, about its greed, and how it likes to eat NeoPets for every meal!

IMPORTANT : Some people have been creating multiple accounts to get more than one item at a time from the Snowager. Please do not do this, it makes the game unfair for others. We will freeze the accounts of people that we find doing it.


Neopedia : The Snowager long last, Keblin the Snow Aisha had gathered up the courage to enter the dreaded Cavern of the Snowager, in hopes of attaining a share of the monster's legendary stash of riches. Supposedly, of those possessing the temerity to enter the cave, only the ones with the wisdom to turn around after bearing witness to the Snowager's terrifying majesty had ever lived to tell the tale. And now, standing just around the corner from the Snowager's lair, Keblin was determined to find out once and for all just what it was that lay beyond the other side of that wall.

At that pivotal moment, Keblin recalled the words of his mentor, Gradolf, who had himself once harbored aspirations of capturing the Snowager's treasure. "It's madness!" Gradolf told him. "If you know what's good for you, you'll forget you ever heard about the Snowager. No one has ever gotten his treasure, and I highly doubt that anyone ever will."

Although he disapproved of Keblin's decision to go after the Snowager, he reluctantly agreed to help him get ready for the voyage. As an old friend of Keblin's father, Gradolf figured that, if he was so determined to go, he might as well be properly prepared for the trip. You see, as young Aishas, Gradolf and Keblin's father, Kendrak, had boldly ventured into the Snowager's Lair. When they reached the outskirts of its cavern, the two parted ways. Gradolf decided to head back, while Kendrak, undaunted, went forward. He was never heard from again.

And now, years later, Keblin sought to avenge his father and claim the Snowager's treasure for himself. Readying himself for what lay ahead, Keblin took a deep breath. Tiptoeing around the corner, he turned to see the Snowager. The monster was so hideous, Keblin couldn't help but let out a blood curdling yell.

With that, the monster was awoken from it's slumber. Peering sleepily at the petrified Snow Aisha, the mighty beast let out an earth-shattering bellow the likes of which Keblin could have never imagined. As the thundering roar reverberated throughout the cavern, icicles from the ceiling began to fall from the sky. One hit Keblin on the shoulder, and he winced in pain. With that, Keblin ran for his life, never once stopping to look back...


Game Guide:




The Snowager lives in a cave located to the east side of Ice Caves. He doesn't like ANYONE! If you wonder in he will attack you and steal your items!!! So be smart and don't wonder in well he's awake and watch out when he slithers around the rest of the Ice Caves.

This huge Ice Worm can blast sharp pointed ice shrapnel at over 200 miles an hour!!! If you (or your pet) gets hit by these they will most likely faint. This is when Snowager take all your item (not really, so don't worry). He sleeps on a huge mound of stolen goods.

Do not enter when he is awake only try to sneak in while he is sleeping. Most people wonder when Snowager sleeps. Well You don't have to wonder any more! We have the complete sleep schedule right here!

If you wonder in while he is sleeping you can get rare items from the huge pile he stole.

I hope this helps. If you read the schedule and he is sleeping right now CLICK HERE for your chance to get your rare item! You can get things from snowballs to plushies to scratch cards (which he steals from Kiosk next door)

1-2 am

10-11 am

1-2 pm

8-9 pm

10-11 pm

All times are in Neopian Standard Time (NST)


Images and NeoPets site information from
The guide was written by
And all of the answers above were either sent in to me or used WITH permission from

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