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Kiko Match - All You Will Ever Need?!

by Trunks911

Everyday when I visit the chat board I am shocked to see how many people are asking for items. They claim they are poor and need food to feed their pets and buy them things. It amazes me even more when people ask for items because their pet needs a paintbrush. But by begging you will never learn anything for yourself.

Most of the time, the advice people give out to earn Neopoints is to play the games. But many people feel the games are too hard, take too long to play, and don't seem to give enough Neopoints for anything. Well I beg to differ. I am here to tell you about a fun and very simple, and at the same time very rewarding, game called Kiko Match.

Kiko Match is a very simple game, and it only takes a few times playing it to get the hang of it enough to make plenty of money for you and your pets. It is a regular match game where you try and match two Kikos of the same colour. There are six different colours to match, and I believe it helps to label them in your mind. There is red, green, blue, purple, yellow, and brown. It can be a little tricky because the blue and purple ones are very similar colours, as are the yellow and brown. Just follow these few simple tips when playing:

If this is your 1st time playing Kiko Match, just start up the game and do not even worry about finishing it. Take your time and see how it works. Get a good look at all the colours of the Kikos and label them in your mind.

Unless you are trying to get a high-score do not use this method. This is only for a guaranteed average score of 400+ Neopoints per round.

1. Do not click randomly all over. There is a slight chance of getting it all right at the same time, but mostly it is just a waste of time.
2. Start at the top left corner. Decide first your pattern of attack. I usually move from top to bottom, left to right.
3. As the Kikos pop up, say the colour name you gave it out loud or in your head.
4. If you come up with a Kiko you have seen before, you will be able to backtrack quickly and easily figure out where it's match is based on your pattern.
5. Continue until you have finished, going as quickly as possible but trying not to make mistakes.
6. Finished with the game? You will be taken to a screen that asks if you would like to send your score or play again. At the bottom the score along with your time bonus will be displayed. Look at your score and make sure it is over 110. If it is that score will be doubled. Next look at your time bonus and make sure it is any number higher than 0. If it is, your doubled score will be doubled once more. If you did not score high enough to double you points, then press the Play Again button and try it again.
7. You can win Neopoints 3 times a day. Pick and chose only your best scores to send in, as they will be the only scores counted.

OK, so you are asking why I said Kiko Match is all you will ever need. For starters, if you follow my tips on playing the game, you will make 400 NP+ every time you play. 400 NP x 3 times a day = 1,200 NP. What can I do with 1,200 NP!? A LOT more than you think! I even made a list for you:

1. With 1,200 NP you can put one pet into the hotel for 24 nights. There is will remain bloated for it's stay and you will not have to buy any food.
2. Got a fast connection? Head over to the bookshop around restock time and you can buy most books in the store for less than 50 NP. You can buy a total of 24 books. Use these to make your pets smarter, or could sell them in your shop for at least 300 NP each. Minus the cost of the books, you can make a profit of over 6,000 NP, and you can do even more with 6,000 NP!
3. With 1,200 NP you can create a shop, upgrade it to level 5, and have 200 NP left over.
4. You can play the Wheel of Excitement and have 12 chances to win 10,000 NP. Or you could play The Wheel of Mediocrity 24 times.
5. You can get a cheap Maraqua Kitchen Quest and possibly level up you pet's stats.
6. You can easily complete a Faerie quest to boost your pets as well.
7. You can get a plot of land in Neopia Central and build a room out of cardboard.
8. You can spend it all on one yummy White Chocolate room for a special pet.
9. Trying to make your pet happy? There are many pet pets to choose from, and many can be found for around 1,000 NP. Buy one to make your pet delighted all the time.
10. You can buy at least 5 very powerful Battledome items called exploding snowballs. Release them onto your enemy for some hefty damage.
11. Get lucky and you can buy a couple Faeries at the magic shop for under 1,200 NP. Use them or sell them for a nice profit.
12. Crazy? You can play Dice-A-Roo exactly 240 times. Wow.
13. You can buy 12 lottery tickets. That's 12 chances to win over 1 million Neopoints!
14. You can donate to the Money Tree and make some poor Neopian really happy. Hey! It could happen!

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