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How to Play and Win Go Go GO!!

by cinderflea

First off... I'll explain in detail how to play. It can get confusing, so I won't go too into depth (it's only because I want everyone to understand and play this cool game!).

Object: To be the first player to get rid off all your cards

Getting started: You are dealt 9 cards. 3 in your hand, 3 in the face up pile, and 3 in the face down pile. There is also a play pile (the stack), and a draw pile.

How to play: You always start the game. To begin, you must play a card from your hand that has an equal or higher value then the card in the stack (Aces are high). If you cannot play a card, then you must take the stack and those cards then go into your hand. You can play more then one card at a time from your hand, as long as they are the same number. You will always start off your turn with at least 3 cards as long as there is a pile to draw from. Once the draw pile is gone, you no longer draw cards, and you just play with what is in your hand until you have no more cards in your hand. Then you begin to play with your face-up pile. You can only play one card at a time from this pile. If you cannot play a valid card, the computer will take the lowest card from your face-up pile, and put it in your hand along with the stack you have to pick up, since you don't have a valid card to play. Once your face-up pile is gone, you move to your face-down pile. This is pure luck. You click on the card and hope it's a good one. If it is... you're lucky and play continues as normal. If not, then you get the stack in your hand, along with the card you chose from the face-down pile. If you get rid of all your cards first, You Win!!! You get NP's, and you move on to the next round. If you don't get rid of them first, but you're not last, you still get NP's, but you don't get to advance. If you are the last... you get nothing! Still with me? Good! Now on to other things...

Special cards: 2 's are wild. They can be put on top of any card EXCEPT a 3. But a 2 still has a value of two. Meaning, you can put any card on top of a 2.

3's - When a three is played, the next card played must have an odd value (3, 5, 7, 9, J, K)

4's - When a four is played, the next card played must have an even value (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Q, A)

10's - When you play a ten you clear the stack. This means that those cards are taken out of play for the rest of the game. You then get to go again. *Note* You can also clear the stack by getting all four of the same suit in a row. (Example- the person in front of you plays one 8, you follow on your turn by playing three 8's... the pile is then cleared and you can go again. Same if you play all four cards of the same suit)

And that's all there is to playing the game. Now for my strategy...

I always play the lowest cards possible. You might be able to mess the other players up by playing high cards so they have to pick up the deck, but then you mess yourself up when you don't have anything to play on your next turn. Even if I get to start the pile, I always want to get rid of the lowest card (Remember that 2's are wild though!!!) I always save my 2's and aces for last. I only play those when necessary. Use the tens wisely! If you only have 2 cards in your hand, and one of them is the 10... use it if possible, then you'll get to play your other card and you're hand will be gone!

It just takes practice to learn how to play. But don't give up! You get about 200 NP when you complete that game, and I got a bronze trophy after winning 3 games (I don't know if you always get this... but it's worth trying for). It's a great game, and I hope this helps you to learn it. If you have any questions...neomail me! I'd be happy to help.

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