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Caucasian-European Outreach


"Caucasian-European Americans" is really not the best term. But, since I'm doing this website to focus on multiculturalims, I will be using this term-politically correct-right! In God's eyes, we are a beautiful rainbow to him, which "color" doesn't matter in his eyes!

Sal posing with 2 ladies in European "outwear" (country?) at the Festival of Nations in 1997

I really started looking at the differences of Caucasian Americans "dating" back to Elementary School in St. Paul. We had cultural events, where we were taught the differences of the ethnic cultures in Europe. I remember my first grade teacher had her husband come dressed in his ethnic background-Scottish, where he wore a kilt and played a bagpipe as the kids would laughed to his unique short "shorts" (kilt) clothing.

This website is made more for people from European or countries predominately Caucasian-White.

Reccomended Resources


  • Stevens County: Morris Are Ethnicity Demographics, a study by UMM students (one I know) and faculty
  • State

    Ethnic Focus

  • Slavic Community Center, in St. Paul

  • *referred by my bro (Ceo-Marcelo), who is actually a volunteer board member with this group (2006)

  • Minnesota Heritage


  • Scandinavian Host Festival, in Minot, ND





    Best of Europe

    " A good vacation in the best places of Europe Pictures taken from the trip in the most beautiful places in Europe."

    European Union, in the United States

    -Austrian, some cool stuff
    -Bulgarian, a Morris connection
    -Finn, many mixed around Morris
    -German, major ethnic group in Morris, MN!
    -Hungarian, UMM students May term and faculty connection
    -Scottish, a Morris local church experience
    -Spainard, a personal ancestral connection
    -Switzers of Switzerland

    Eastern Bloc
    Slavic People
    -Armenian, Minnesota connections
    -Bosnian, Minnesota connections
    -Czech Republic, a missionary experience (visited Morris in 03')
    -Georgian, a Morris Community Church connection
    -Latvian, alumn UMM int'l student and UMM Student share
    -Moldovan, a Morris Literacy Project connection
    -Serbia & Montenegro, sponsored a missionary-former UMM Student
    -Slovak Republic
    -Ukranian, folks I've met directly/indirectly through this nation


    Travel to North America

    " See Canada and Usa, cities, beach, mountains, places."

    -United States of America

    RUSSIAN:, local church mission's experience
    -Keston, news from the former Soviet bloc

    Reccomended Resources



    Europe's Long Dream

    "For fifty years Europe has dreamed of building a common market a community and a union of nations into what some have likened to a United States of Europe. Today, the European Union, takes in 27 nations and is the largest trading bloc in the world. Its population is larger than the United States and some say it's currency, the Euro, could one day overtake the dollar as the world's trading currency. Europe is growing, changing and facing a crossroads in its history.You probably don't spend much time thinking about Europe. For most of us Europe's turbulent past has been forgotten. For many others Europe has become a museum of past glories. Yet Europe could one day soon have a dramatic impact on your life. Stay with us as we look beyond today's headlines and consider Europe's Long Dream. " History


  • Britannia
  • Regia Anglorum
  • What Were Anglo Saxon Buildings Like?, from BBC
  • Wikipedia
  • Missions

  • Royal Servants Reign Ministries

  • 2003: "Becky Odegaard (local church member) will be traveling with a team called the Nehemiah Team from Royal Servant's Reign Ministries. She left Minnesota around the end of June and will be training in Illionois until mid-July she will be in Europe. Please keep her and team in prayer that God will use each of them to touch lives of the people they'll be reaching out too.

    Thank you for visiting UMMAlpha! Please feel free to e-mail me (Sal) at on any comments, suggestions (e.g. any new websites),complaints, or anytype of feedback to improve this website.

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