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Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

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These instructions are geared toward the single-click method of using your mouse. If you use double-clicking, you should compensate accordingly. Additionally, if any terms used in these instructions are unfamiliar to you, refer to the Glossary for their definitions. Menus and items you click on are shown in yellow.

Click on any of the questions below for the answers. To retract an answer for easier viewing of the questions, click on the question again, not the answer.

Q: My browser launches in full screen. How do I get it back to regular size?

A: Windows remembers the size of the last window used and will launch your browser the same way. Left-click on the Restore button next to the X button in the upper right corner of your browser to restore it to its normal size. Additionally, you may want to make sure your browser is not set to launch in full screen. Do this by left-clicking on Tools, then selecting Internet Options from the pulldown menu. Click on the Advanced tab and check to see if Launch Browser Window in Full Screen is checked. If it is, left-click on the checkmark to remove it. Click Apply, then OK to set the change.

Q: Why do some web addresses begin with http:// while other begin with www?

A: HTTP is the older language used to find web addresses and is no longer needed. You can now get to any address by typing www.address in your address bar.

Q: I typed walmart in my address but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?

A: This sounds like you are using an older version of IE. The newer versions will search for Walmart if it's entered in an address. But even on the newer versions, if it's typed incorrectly (for example, walmart's site is "wal-mart), it probably won't locate it. In that case, it will give you the option to search for the site. We would suggest updating to a newer version. Click the IE download icon to the left of this section to update.

Q: I don't know where to begin to find something on a specific topic on the web?

A: Until you find specific search engines that work best for you, the best place to begin looking for specific topics is your browser. Click the Search button on the toolbar. A Search bar appears on the left side of your Explorer window. Depending on your version of Internet Explorer, you may have to click the Choose a Search Engine link to view a list of search engines the first time you use the search function. Choose a search engine, then type the text you want to search for. Left click on Search to see a list of sites containing your target words. Click on the name of a site you want to visit.

Q: Sometimes my web page seems to get stuck before it finishes loading. Do I have to "X" out and go back to the page again?

A: If a page gets stuck or fails to load properly, try hitting the Refresh button on your browser's toolbar. Refresh will also update a page you've been on for awhile, such as a news page.

Q: I never use the page my browser starts with. Can I change it to one I use all the time?

A: The first thing you'll want to do is go to the webpage you want to be your home page by typing the address in the address bar and pressing Enter. Once at the site, pull down the Tools menu (or View if you're running IE4) and choose Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box will appear. Click on the General tab, then click on the Use Current button. Left-click on Apply, then OK to set your option.

Q: I have to type in the name of a frequently-used site each time I go to it. Is there a way to save it so I can go there whenever I want?

A: You can bookmark any site you are at for quick and easy access anytime. Left-click on Favorites, then select Add to Favorites from the pull-down menu. Click OK to complete the operation.

Q: How do I return to a site once I've bookmarked it?

A: From your browser window, click Favorites, then point to the site you want to return to and left click.

Q: When I add a site to my Favorites, it always asks me if I want to subscribe to that page. What does subscribing to a webpage mean?

A: When you subscribe to a Web page, the browser program checks whether there were changes made to the page since the last time you looked at it. You can set your options to notify you of changes or to copy the new page to your hard disk.

Q: Is there any way to remove the Explorer icon from the desktop? I can't delete it.

A: The Explorer icon on your desktop is a program, not a shortcut, and Windows won't let you delete it. You can, however, remove it from your desktop. Click on View, then choose Internet Options (or Tools, then Internet Options if you're using IE5). On the Advanced tab, remove the checkmark from the box in front of Show Internet Explorer on Desktop by clicking on it.

Q: Sometimes when I click on what I think is a link, it goes nowhere. How can I tell if it's a link or not?

A: When you move the mouse pointer over a link, the mouse cursor changes to a hand and the address of the page appears in the Status bar at the bottom of the screen. If you don't see the hand, you're not at a link.

Q: I know there's a way to move back and forth through the pages I've just viewed several pages at a time, but I can't remember it. Can you help?

A: Click the down arrow to the right of the Back and Forward buttons on your Navigation Bar and select a page from the pull-down menus.

Q: How can I tell which version of Internet Explorer I'm running?

A: In your browser's window, click Help, then select About Internet Explorer. IE will display its version number.

Q: How do I clear my cache?

A: To clear your cache (your temporary storage for web pages you have visited), in the Internet Explorer window, click View, then select Internet Options. For IE5, it will be Tools, then Internet Options. On the General tab of the Internet Options dialog box, under the section marked Temporary Internet Files, click Delete Files. When the confirmation dialog box appears, click OK to return to the General tab. If necessary, click Apply, then OK to delete your cache.

Q: Can I delete my history files without having to wait for Windows to do it automatically?

A: Yes. For IE4, in the Internet Explorer window, click View, then select Internet Options. For IE5, it will be Tools, then Internet Options. On the General tab of the Internet Options dialog box, under the section marked History, click Clear History. When the confirmation dialog box appears, click OK to return to the General tab. If necessary, click Apply, then OK to delete your history files.

Helpful Hint: You can set the number of days you want to keep pages in history by clicking on the up and down arrows to the right of the number box or deleting the number and typing in your new choice.


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