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Dial Up Networking

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These instructions are geared toward the single-click method of using your mouse. If you use double-clicking, you should compensate accordingly. Additionally, if any terms used in these instructions are unfamiliar to you, refer to the Glossary for their definitions. Menus and items you click on are shown in yellow.

Click on any of the questions below for the answers. To retract an answer for easier viewing of the questions, click on the question again, not the answer.

Q: I have call waiting, and whenever I'm online and someone calls me, it disconnects me from the Web. How can I disable it?

A: Click Start, choose Settings, then Control Panel, and finally Modems. On the General tab of the Modems Properties dialog box, click Dialing Properties. Place a checkmark in front of the box marked To disable call waiting, dial and then select the disable code used on your phone. Click Apply, then OK. If that doesn't do the trick, see the next question.

Q: My call waiting is disabled, but it doesn't seem to work. Why not?

A: We've found the disable call waiting function doesn't work with all phone lines. But there is a way around it. First, check to see that you've disabled it properly. (See the above question for help.) If so, try this. In the My Computer window, click Dial-up Networking, then right-click on the connection you use and choose Properties. Change the telephone number your computer uses to dial up to include the number to disable call waiting, e.g., *70, 555-1212.

Q: Is there anyway to find out my IP address?

A: Windows has a utility called called IP Configuration that will show you your IP address and other stats of your Internet setup. To open the utility, click Start, then choose Run. Type winipcfg, then click OK. If you want more info than is showing, click More Details.

Q: How do I change my modem volume?

A: Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, choose Modems. In the General tab of the Modems Properties dialog box, highlight your modem and click Properties, then adjust the Speaker Volume slider to the desired position. If that doesn't work, and it doesn't always, on the Connection tab of the same Modems Properties dialog box, click Advanced. In the Extra Settings type box, type ATM0 (that's a zero) to turn the sound off. You could also try ATL 0 thru ATL 4 (4 being the loudest).

Q: My modem doesn't always connect at what my ISP says it should. Any suggestions?

A: Most modems have a jack for Line and a jack for Phone. If you have a telephone or caller ID box plugged into your Phone jack, it could slow down your connection speed. Try unplugging the telephone and see if it helps.

Q: It seems to take forever to connect to my ISP. Is there any way to speed it up?

A: One reason could be that your Log on to Network option is selected. When it is, Dial-Up Networking tries to find a Microsoft Network, and when it doesn't, it times out. To make sure it isn't enabled, click Start, then choose Programs, then Accessories, Communications, and finally Dial-Up Networking. Right-click your connection and choose Properties. In the Server Types tab, clear the check box for Log on to Network, then click OK.

Q: Why do I keep getting disconnected from my ISP?

A: There could be any number of reasons, but if it's not your ISP, this may help. Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, choose Modems. In the Connection tab of the Modems Properties dialog box, click Advanced. In the Extra Settings type box, type ATS15=128 &K3 S34=32 S12=0. This usually works best with US Robotics and 3COM modems, but it does work with many others as well.

Q: My Dial-Up Connection won't connect. Can you help?

A: If Windows didn't recognize and install your modem correctly, it may not be using the right AT initialization string for a dial-up connection. Check to see if the modem it recognized is the one installed on your computer. Click Start, then choose Settings, then Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, click Modems. In the General tab of the Modems Properties dialog box, you will see the modem listed. If it doesn't match yours, highlight it and click Remove. Then click Add and follow the Install New Modems Wizard to install the correct one.

Q: What should my speed be configured to on my modem?

A: Your maximum speed should be configured to 115,200 or higher. To check it, . Click Start, then choose Settings, then Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, click Modems. You'll see the Maximum Speed in the lower portion of the Modems Properties dialog box. Also, to insure the fastest data transfer and connection speed, in the Connection tab of the same Modems Properties dialog box, click Advanced and insure that the following settings are selected: Use Error Control, Compress Data and Use Flow Control (Hardware).

Q: I somehow lost my Protocols settings, so I checked them all off and it still works. Is this okay?

A: It's better if you use the right protocol for connecting to your ISP. Most ISP's require only TCP/IP to connect to the Internet, though Windows98 installs two others, NetBEUI, IPX/SPXCompatible. To make sure it isn't enabled, click Start, then choose Programs, then Accessories, Communications, and finally Dial-Up Networking. Right-click your connection and choose Properties. In the Server Types tab, under Allowed Network Protocols, clear the check box for all but TCP/IP, then click OK.

Q: Sometimes my Dial-Up Networking seems to lock up when I disconnect and I have to reboot. How can I stop that?

A: Although we have not tried this, we've been told this might help. Click Start, choose Find, then choose Files or Folders and locate the file vnbt.386. Once located, disable it by renaming it to vnbt.386.disabled, for example. Then reboot your computer.


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